Thursday 5 June 2014

Essential Oil First Aid Kit

It is important to have first-aid kit ready at all time. A well-stocked first-aid kit, kept within easy reach, is a necessity in every home. Having supplies gathered ahead of time will help you handle an emergency at a moment's notice. You should keep one first-aid kit in your home/school/office and one in each car. Also be sure to bring a first-aid kit on family vacations. 

Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils are very effective solutions to help deal with summertime bumps, bruises, cuts, scrapes and other summertime discomforts.

Most oils have antiseptic properties and can be used to disinfect or clean cuts and scrapes. Some oils would need to be diluted. Especially the hot ones like cinnamon or oregano.

A few oils you should have in your First Aid Kit:

-Melaleuca (Tea Trea)
-Roman Camomile
-Deep Blue/Dep Blue Rub
-Past Tense

-Fractionated Coconut Oil


Bumps and Bruises- Apply to any injury that does not involve broken skin. Reapply frequently. 
Helichrysum can be applied topically for arthritis, joint and back pain, sprains, bruising, cuts, scrapes, minor burns, insect bites, and skin conditions. It can be used neat (undiluted) or with a quality carrier oil. The carrier oil is recommended especially for sensitive skin. Blend equal parts of Helichrysum and Eucalyptus for an effective direct application or light massage blend for arthritis. Apply with a carrier like coconut oil for rosacea, scars or sagging skin. Apply directly with light massage to areas of thrombosis irritation.


Best in soothe inflammation, irritated skin, bruises and even burns.  It can stop bleeding and helps in open wound.



The most "universal" oil. (When in doubt, use lavender.) It's antiseptic, analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory.
Burns & Sunburns - Apply lavender oil to a burn and experience almost immediate relief.  You can add a spray top for this application and not need to touch the burned area.

Allergy relief – mix 1 drop lavender, 1 drop lemon and 1 drop peppermint in the palm of your hands then cup over your nose and mouth and inhale to relieve stuffieness.
Other uses for lavender: to calm and relax, insomnia (just inhale), headaches, PMS, poison ivy and poison oak. 
For headaches, put a drop of neat Lavender on the temples and the nape of the neck.

Mosquito bites - neat or diluted (in a carrier oil) Lavender, or blend Lavender with a bit of well diluted Peppermint essential oil to ease scratching.

Sore, over-used muscles - Lavender essential oil in your favorite carrier oil helps soothe the ache of abused muscles. Again, 5 drops to 5 ml (one teaspoon) of carrier. You might consider adding some of the diluted Roman Chamomile contained in your First Aid Kit to the above blend.

Stress, tension, too many visitors, too much to do - A few drops of Lavender in a bath eases tension. Consider blending with some Roman Chamomile.
Insomnia: A drop of neat Lavender on your pillow, or a Lavender bath before retiring will help relax you (or your excited children) into a natural relaxing sleep.


Has antiseptic qualities, Mood uplifting - Lemon is beneficial for anxiety and promotes a sense of well being.
Sore Throat - Mix 1 drop lemon in half glass of warm water. Mix well then gargle.


Cuts and scrapes - After washing a scrape, apply  a bit of diluted meleleuca essential oil to help keep the abrasion germ free.
Puncture wounds should never be treated with Lavender, since it can cause the surface to heal, rather than letting the wound heal from the inside to the surface. In this case, meleleuca essential oil, diluted, is the perfect blend to apply.

Skin irritation that shows signs of perhaps becoming infected, whether they are mosquito bites, cuts or scrapes will benefit from meleleuca’s anti-microbial properties.



Pain Relief - If you bump or bruise yourself, use peppermint to relieve the pain. Put a drop on the area.

Temporary Fatigue or Lack of Energy - Peppermint is very stimulating. Inhale it & put a drop or 2 on your big toes. Put a couple drops of peppermint in water and drink it.

Heat Fatigue - Peppermint, rubbed on base of skull, inhaled, and added to drinking water.

For Indigestion and Heartburn - Put a few drops in your mouth and chase with water – if this is too strong for you, you can put it in an empty capsule and take internally after a heavy meal. (Be sure you are using CPTG essential oils for this.) Rub 4-6 drops in the palm and rub over stomach and around the navel to relieve indigestion, flatulence and diarrhea.

Nausea or Motion Sickness - Put a drop of peppermint on your tongue, then on your hand and inhale it. Another way is to rub several drops of peppermint on the abdomen.

Headache - Put a couple of drops on the back of the neck and on the temples, then in your hands & inhale. Be careful not to get it too close to your eyes.

Injuries: Apply peppermint oil immediately to bumps and bruises to relieve pain.

Poison Ivy or Poison Oak: Apply Peppermint oil on location neat or dilute with fractionated coconut oil.
Itching: Apply a drop of peppermint oil topically on unbroken skin to stop itching.

Fatigue/Exhaustion -Peppermint is a stimulant and can aid with both physical and mental exhaustion. It is a great oil to carry in the car, both to keep the driver awake and aware and to ease any carsickness that might occur.

Relaxation - blend with Lavender for the most relaxing bath around.

Sore Muscles - alone, or with Lavender added.,  Roman Chamomile is wonderful for tired, achy muscles.

Antispasmodic - useful for intestinal cramps (massage clockwise onto abdomen).

Muscle spasms -apply to painful area, a touch of Lavender may help here as well.

Anti-inflammatory - useful for skin abrasions, scrapes, rug burns, etc.

Deep Blue/Deep Blue Rub
Sore muscles, aches, sprain and pains – Apply Deep Blue directly to sore area, rub in.  Can cover with a warm compress for additional relief.

Past Tense
Headache - Rub Past Tense on the back of the neck, on temples or forehead, inhale. Create a soothing compress, cover with a warm cloth. Leave for 30 minutes.

Purify the air -   It neutralizes mildew, cigarette smoke, poison from insect bites such as spiders, bees, hornets, wasps, and noxious odors found in homes, offices and other confined areas. Diffuse, apply topically to disinfect, put on cotton balls to place in air vents of home, car, hotel room, office, etc. It has been said to repel bugs, insects and mice.

Insect Bites, Cuts & Scrapes - Apply to the skin to cleanse the area. Purification may help neutralize poison from spiders, bees, hornets & wasps. Insect Repellant - Mix with carrier oil and rub on skin or mix with water in a spray bottle. Shake well before using. Spray on skin before going outside.

Insect Repellant – put a spray top on the bottle and apply directly to exposed skin.

Fractionated Coconut Oil
Carrier oil – to be used with other oils when you want to dilute them.

Other Items you will need for your First Aid Kit
·        sterile gauze pads of different sizes
·        adhesive tape
·        adhesive bandages in several sizes
·        elastic bandage
·        a splint
·        soap
·        tweezers
·        sharp scissors
·        safety pins
·        disposable instant cold packs
·        thermometer
·        plastic non-latex gloves (at least 2 pairs)
·        flashlight and extra batteries
·        a blanket
·        mouthpiece for administering CPR (can be obtained from your local Red Cross)
·        your list of emergency phone numbers 
.    blanket (stored nearby)

1 comment:

  1. Thank-you so much for this information. I am a doTerra user and this was exactly what I was looking for. I decided to also add to the list of oils a Eucalyptus, Lemongrass and On Guard. It is so hard to choose which oils are the best for a kit like this because they are all so good!
