Friday 19 September 2014


Insomnia describes a number of unusual sleep patterns that do not allow a person to get the rest needed to function at properly during their waking hours.  This can result from not being able to go to sleep, not being able to stay asleep, or not being able to rest well while asleep.  If any of these conditions occurs for a number of weeks this chronic condition becomes a serious health concern.

Insomnia can be a primary condition or it can be a symptom of some underlying condition. Anxiety, alcohol, caffeine, stress are common primary causes of insomnia.  Secondary insomnia can come from physical or psychological factors such as depression, indigestion, restless leg syndrome, or a chronic pain condition.

Essential oils are a blessing to those who suffer from not being able to sleep. The sedative and relaxing properties of so many oils provide a wide range of choices. Lavender is very highly recommended to improve this problem. Clary sage, frankincense, marjoram, orange, rosemary, ylang ylang, or blends like Balance, Serenity will also have very good relaxing or sedative properties.

Symptoms of Insomnia:
- difficulty falling asleep
- interrupted sleep
- waking up early
- light sleep
- poor quality of sleep ~ not refreshed after sleeping 

Oils, blends & products recommended:

Oils & Blends:  clary sage, frankincense, lavender, marjoram, rosemary, Serenity, wild orange, ylang ylang

Many have found this simple solution effective:
-  1-3 drops of clary sage under the tongue at bedtime
A key to insomnia is finding the best oils or blends and the best personal application technique. Experiment with different oils/blends and with one or more of the following application techniques:
•  Baths and body or foot massage
 •  Diffuse a blend or single oil in the bedroom or use an inhaler or cup and inhale technique at bed time
 •  Make a 5% water spritz and spray on the pillow with lavender or other oil
 •  For children, a foot massage just prior to bedtime using a Serenity, lavender, or a lemon/lavender/carrier blend.  
This will be very relaxing and will often help them sleep deeper and awake more refreshed. It can also be a very good bonding time between parents and children.  
*AromaTouch Technique is recommended

Note: Some folks become “used to” one oil or technique after a period of time and have to rotate to another for continued results.

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