Image taking your child into the Doctor for a serious bacterial infection like strep or pneumonia, only to be told the bacteria you are trying to fight has developed a resistance to antibiotics. What would you do? What options would you have? This scenario has become a reality for millions of people worldwide. Antibiotic resistant bacteria, or "Superbugs/supergerm" are on the rise and have now been declared one of the CDC's top public health concerns.
Over the last decade, almost every type of bacteria has become stronger and less responsive to antibiotic treatment. Antibiotics are destroying the "good bacteria" in your gut allowing the "bad bacteria" to take over and it is the "bad bacteria" that is building resistance every time you use antibiotics. Lets take a look at the top products adding fuel to the "Superbug" or "Supergerm" fire.
1- Antibiotics- widespread inappropriate use of antibiotics is the number one cause of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Antibiotics will not kill a viral infection; try telling that to a Mother who has a child with a double ear infection. Parents are demanding antibiotics even though they are not effective in treating colds, flu, most sore throats, and most ear infections.
2- Acne Medication- whether it is by form of oral antibiotics or an antibiotic cream, it is adding fuel to the increasing drug-resistant bacteria.
3- Antibacterial soaps and household products- Every day our children are pumping this problem right into their hands. A link between antibacterial chemicals used in personal cleaning products and bacterial resistance has been shown in vitro studies.
The CDC is estimating that it will take ten years to develop a new antibiotic that would be strong enough to combat antibiotic resistant bacteria. Here is a chart to show you the decline in development of antibiotics.

What shall we do if we want to quit using antibiotic? After months of researching into alternative solutions to help many people to overcome the antibiotic resistant bacterial infection, I found a safe and effective way to assist the body in fighting off "superbugs" or "supergerms" without concern of resistance.
doTERRA's certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils are highly antimicrobial and can be used to assist the body in fighting both bacterial and viral infections. Essential oils have been used medicinally throughout history with great success. They are the ONLY form of medicine that has withstood the test of time. I started using doTERRA essential oils on my daughter and was amazed at the quick results. These wonderful little oils have now taken over my medicine cabinet and have become our first response to any ailment. My favorite fact is that every drop of essential oil contains a different amount of compounds making it impossible for bacteria to develop a resistance.
doTERRA has a Family Physician Kit that contains 10 essential oil that no home should be without. Below is a list of the oils that can be found in this kit along with my Family's favorite application for the oils.
1. Lavender - It is the most versatile and popular oil. It is great for burns and takes aways pain and blistering fast! It works very well as a sleep aid and it has a very calming effect. It also works as a natural antihistamine and provides relief from insect bites and allergies. Rub on your feet each night for relaxation, or headache relief.
2. Lemon - Use a drop of lemon every day in your water to keep your body acid free (alkaline). Lemon helps clean your lymphatic system. It is excellent for sore throats-- just place a drop on your tongue or gargle with lemon water. You can also use it as a cleaning agent. Lemon oil will clean ninety-nine percent of bacteria.
3. Peppermint - It has been double-blind studied against Tylenol and was proven to be just as effective in treating tension headaches. Peppermint Oil has been reported as being one of the most promising treatments for I.B.S. It is fantastic for digestive issues and when inhaled it will stimulate the brain to increase alertness.
4. Melaleuca (Tea Tree Oil) - This is fantastic for acne since most acne medications are antibacterial creams, melaleuca is antibacterial. It is also great for most skin conditions: general rashes, eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections, and MRSA. You can rub it on your head to control dandruff and on your chest for coughs.
5. Deep Blue - It reduces inflammations and relieves sore muscles and back aches. Use this oil on all sport related injuries or chronic inflammation.
6. Oregano - It is your heaviest fighter oil with several studies proving its ability to kill MRSA (staph infection). It is one of the most important oils to use when fighting any infection. It is a very hot oil and must be diluted with any carrier oil (Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Almond Oil etc) to apply topically. Our natural antibiotic is 4 drops of Oregano, OnGuard, and Lemon placed in an empty gel capsule. For fast results, take this capsule at least 3 times daily. Dilute with coconut oil and apply to the feet or spine of younger children.
7. On Guard - This oil helps to strengthen your immune system. The US National Library of Medicine now shows that OnGuard is effective in destroying the H1N1 virus. It has also been shown to kill 17 different strains of MRSA. This is great for disinfecting via a diffuser. Place 3 drops under your tongue daily, use 4 drops in a capsule with 4 drops of lemon oil, or rub on your feet every night for cold prevention.
8. Breathe - Use this oil from respiratory infections,coughs, or asthma symptoms. Rub it on your chest to help combat congestion. Rub on chest and under your nostrils to help with snoring. Unlike other Vapor Rubs, Breathe will actually assist your body in fighting off the infection.
9. DigestZen - this blend will work for any digestive disorder: Acid Reflux, heartburn, H.Pylori Bacteria, diarrhea, Constipation, IBS, etc. Seventy percent of your immune function is through your GI so if you have a compromised GI you have a compromised immune system. Using DigestZen will help strengthen immune system. Take 4 drops of Digestzen with 2 drops of peppermint internally in an empty capsule or simply rub it on your stomach.
10. Frankincense - this oil contains sesquiterpenes, enabling it to go beyond the blood-brain barrier. It may help oxygenate the pineal and pituitary glands. Many people belief it helps with anxiety and depression. Several studies have been done on Frankincense and its ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Don't take my word for it, try it for yourself! You will be amazed at how fast and effective doTERRA essentials can be. If you look at where the world is heading with antibiotic resistant bacteria and very few new antibiotics in development, it becomes necessary to have these oils in your medicine cabinet.
Hi, is it suitable in early pregnancy?