Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Purify ~ Cleansing blend

Application Techniques

Diffuse in living areas and office to kill pathogens.

Diffuse to strengthen the immune system.

Use topically for people who work in or have spent time in hospitals or around people that are ill.

Apply topically at the onset of blemishes and cold sores.
Prepare a spray and spritz bed sheets 1 hour prior to bedtime to disinfect, protect against and repel dust mites, bed bugs and other insects.

Spritz your pet to guard against fleas and mites.  
(Note: some animals, including cats, can be highly sensitive to some oils included in Purify.)

Spritz in shoes to deodorize and combat odors.

Place drops on a cotton ball and place in car vents to purify the air in the car.

Place drops on the intake vent of a home HVAC system and run the fan for 1 hour.
Do the same in a hotel room HVAC room filter.

Blend Ingredients
Cilantro, Citronella, Lemon, Lime, Melaleuca, alternifolia, Pine
This Blend Addresses
Bug bites, Cuts and wounds, Disinfects surfaces, Kills airborne, pathogens,
Strengthens immune system

Flu (Influenza), Swine Flu (h1n1)

Respiratory influenza (flu) is a viral infection of the nose, throat, and lungs.  The viruses responsible for the flu are known as Influenza A and Influenza B.  To help understand the relationship between diseases related to, or mistaken for, the flu consider the following:

  Influenza A and B are aggressive viruses that attack the respiratory system.

  A cold is also a viral infection from one of over a hundred viruses that are less aggressive than influenza A and B but can also attack the respiratory system.

  Avian (Bird, H5N1),  H1N1 (Swine) and H3N2 are subtypes of influenza A.  New strains evolve every few years. See a more detailed description at the end of this page.

  The stomach flu is also a viral infection but it attacks the stomach and intestines.  These viruses are of different strains than cold or influenza A and B viruses. 

  Flu and colds are viral not bacterial.  Antibiotics will not help.

Flu symptoms
One to four days after the virus enters the body symptoms will begin.  Typically a high fever from 102 to 106 °F (higher temperatures usually for children) is the first symptom.  This will be followed by overall aches, headaches, chills, dizziness, and lack of energy.  Some will experience nausea and vomiting.  This can last 2 or 3 days and then symptoms may move to cold like symptoms of a runny nose, coughing, sneezing, and sore throat. For those severely weakened pneumonia is a danger.  For others the tiredness and lack of energy can last for weeks.

Flu and cold differences
Symptoms for a cold and the flu may be similar.  A cold is much more common and less dangerous.  Some differences and similarities are:
  The flu hits harder and faster.  Symptoms develop rapidly and are very strong.

  For adults a fever usually means the flu.

  If it lasts for weeks it was the flu.

  Headaches, coughs, earaches happen with both.

  Early sore throat or runny nose it is probably a cold.

How the flu is spread
The flu is a highly contagious disease that can be transmitted by coughs, sneezing or other contact with someone that is contagious.  This can occur from one day before someone shows symptoms to three to seven days after.  This is further complicated since some can have the virus but not show any symptoms.

Influenza A or B
Influenza A is usually more aggressive and arrives between early winter and early spring.     Influenza B can appear at any time of the year.

Stomach flu (viral gastroenteritis)
This is a viral infection of the stomach and intestines that often lead to diarrhea and vomiting in children and adults.  The virus may come from contaminated food or water or can be spread from person to person.  Beyond stomach discomforts symptoms may include chills, sweats, muscle and joint aches, and fever.

West Nile, Swine/H1N1, Bird and H3N2 Flu
Here are some comments from the CDC (Center of Disease Control) on the most recent world wide flu scares:

West Nile virus
West Nile virus (WNV) is a potentially serious illness. Experts believe WNV is established as a seasonal epidemic in North America that flares up in the summer and continues into the fall.

  What Can I Do to Prevent WNV?  The easiest and best way to avoid WNV is to prevent mosquito bites.

  What Are the Symptoms of WNV?

-     Serious Symptoms in a Few People. About one in 150 people infected with WNV will develop severe illness. The severe symptoms can include high fever, headache, neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness, vision loss, numbness and paralysis. These symptoms may last several weeks, and neurological effects may be permanent.

-     Milder Symptoms in Some People. Up to 20 percent of the people who become infected have symptoms such as fever, headache, and body aches, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes swollen lymph glands or a skin rash on the chest, stomach and back. Symptoms can last for as short as a few days, though even healthy people have become sick for several weeks.

-     No Symptoms in Most People. Approximately 80 percent of people (about 4 out of 5) who are infected with WNV will not show any symptoms at all.

  How Does West Nile Virus Spread? Most often, WNV is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on infected birds. WNV is not spread through casual contact such as touching or kissing a person with the virus.

Avian flu (bird flu)
Usually, “avian influenza virus” refers to influenza A viruses found chiefly in birds, but infections with these viruses can occur in humans. The risk from avian influenza is generally low to most people, because the viruses do not usually infect humans.

"Human influenza A viruses" usually refers to those influenza A subtypes that have spread widely among humans. Currently, H3N2 and H1N1 influenza A subtypes are circulating among humans and H2N2 influenza A circulated from about 1957-1968.

Some genetic parts of current human influenza A viruses had their origin in bird flu viruses originally. Influenza A viruses are constantly changing, and they might adapt over time to infect and spread among humans.

Swine Flu (H1N1)
U.S.The U.S. Public Health Emergency for 2009 H1N1 Influenza expired on June 23, 2010. On August 10, 2010, the World Health Organization … Emergency Committee declared an end to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic globally. …  Internationally, 2009 H1N1 viruses and seasonal influenza viruses are co-circulating in many parts of the world.  It is likely that the 2009 H1N1 virus will continue to spread for years to come, like a regular seasonal influenza virus.


A Summary of Key Steps (Dr. David Hill)

10 basics of prevention.
1. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough sneeze or wipe your nose. Tissues should be discarded immediately in a wastebasket.

2. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Discard the tissue immediately in a waste basket.

3. Run your diffuser often in your home. I know there has been much discussion on our diffuser lately, and we will address that in a blog soon to come. Dr. Hill and other leaders have much to say about that. What oils? On Guard for sure. It was developed to boost our immune systems, and guard us against pathogens.

4. While we are talking On Guard, I would also consider rubbing your own children's feet with On Guard every night before bed time and every morning before they put there shoes on for the day. Not only is it a bonding experience for you and your children, but it will bolster there immune systems.

5. I would also mist your families bed sheets with a mist of essential oils before bedtime. 10 drops of On Guard or some other essential oil with a ¼ cup of water in a spray bottle – shake well.

6. If there is virus in your area, obviously you want to avoid contact with those that are sick.

7. Put about 1 drop of Lemon oil for every 8oz of water you and your family drink. Over time this will greatly strengthen the immune system. In our home, we have not had colds or flu of any significance in over a year since we started incorporating essential oils in our household. And this is one way we have been consistent with.

8. As always, as you clean regularly around your home, use essential oils to clean. Purify, On Guard or Lemon in a spray bottle used for cleaning will assure pathogen free surfaces.

9. Be aware and recognize symptoms if they strike you or a family member. Immediately begin an essential oil protocol and see a professional if you experience symptoms. Swine flu symptoms are similar to regular flu: Fever, body aches, sore throat, cough, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy.

10. Make your home a happy place, free from stress. A haven with kind words and positive thoughts. Make a place of safety and refuge. As storms rage on, have your home be a house of prayer, gratitude and love. These are all things we can do that will create of synergy of protection for your home and family.

Now what do we do if we find ourselves faced with symptoms of the flu?
Protocol for Viral Flu
At the first indication of a symptom, strike back quick and hard. Make sure the oils you have are doTerra essential oils. Why? They are guaranteed to be sourced from the area’s in which the are indigenous to. They are organically grown. Harvested by correct methods and at the correct time. Distilled by professionals at the correct temperature and pressure. Finally each batch is tested by independent labs for correct constituents content to guarantee efficacy. These methods are key to insuring safety and effectiveness.

Oils that are an important part of your germ fighting arsenal and that are good to have around are; On Guard, Oregano, Cinnamon, Myrrh, Thyme, Basil, Clove, Lemon, Peppermint, and the AromaTouch oils. These essential oils have the ability to kill bacteria, fungi and viruses, get down into the cellular level and make things right. Essential Oils are proven natural combatants to boost the immune system and protect us from and combat against flu strains including the swine flu.

Oils, blends & products recommended:
Oils & Blends: Breathe, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca, On Guard, Oregano, Peppermint, Purify

Essential oils based products:
Also consider: AromaTouch, Balance, Basil, Cassia, Cinnamon, Cypress, DigestZen, Marjoram, Rosemary, Thyme

Suggested protocols:
Immediate actions to stop virus:

  Make 00 size capsules of 8 drops Oregano, 5 drops On Guard and 3 drops Frankincense. Then take the capsules internally twice daily. Start oils protocol as soon as symptoms are detected.

  Gargle twice daily with 1 drop Oregano, 2 drops On Guard, and 2 drops Lemon in 1 or 2 tablespoons of pure water. After gargling for 5-10 minutes, swallow the mixture. 

Actions to prevent spreading:
  Diffuse the air that you are working, living and sleeping in. If you are suffering from symptoms, consider oils and blends that will help. If you are trying to quarantine areas of healthy air, diffuse On Guard. 

  Use On Guard foam cleanser to clean common use areas.

For Children:
  For children that can’t take internal treatments, use appropriate oils on their feet, chest and using the AromaTouch Technique

For further help (those with weakened immune systems, very aggressive virus, pandemics, etc):
  Oil pull daily with 1 tablespoon VCO, 2 drops Oregano, and 2 drops Melaleuca. Pull for about 10 minutes before expectorating the blend. Then brush your teeth and rinse out your mouth. This mixture may be hot. If it’s too hot, reduce the Oregano to 1 drop and add a drop of Lemon. You can also consider Cinnamon, Cassia or On Guard instead of Melaleuca. 

  Always put Lemon and Peppermint in your drinking water and drink it often. Staying hydrated is an important part of assuring the oils work effectively in our bodies. 

  Consider other protocols for specific symptoms. Breathe to the chest, neck and back for respiratory issues, DigestZen (often in a capsule with Frankincense) for nausea or digestive problems. Oregano or Cinnamon and Lemon as a gargle for sore throats. 

  In cases where there is obvious inflammation to the bronchial tubes including cracking or popping sounds while breathing from the chest, consider a rectal implant. 3 drops Oregano, 3 drops Frankincense, and 3 drops Thyme in a capsule. Lubricate with virgin coconut oil then insert rectally. Al least twice daily. It is not pleasant, but highly effective and the quickest way to the lungs. 

  Do twice daily AromaTouch technique. Use Virgin Coconut oil as a carrier for the recommended oils. Add the blend Breathe and Thyme to Inflammatory Reduction phase. 

  Eat healthy mostly raw foods. 

  Get plenty of rest, exercise and fresh air where possible. For children that can’t take internal treatments, use appropriate oils on their feet, chest and using the spinal treatment.

dōTERRA Essential oils does not prevent, treat or cure disease. Your lifestyle choices can help prevent disease. Your doctor treats symptoms and fixes broken parts. Your body cure disease!

AromaTouch® Technique Kit

AromaTouch® Technique Kit from dōTERRA®

Everything you need for a clinical approach to 

essential oil application 

The AromaTouch® Technique is a new, clinical approach to essential oil application.  A simple, step-by-step method for the topical application of therapeutic-grade essential oils, it produces a profound whole-body wellness experience.  Among its many benefits are:
  • Stress management,
  • Immune support,
  • Inflammatory response, and
  • Autonomic balance
The AromaTouch® Technique Kit from dōTERRA® provides you with everything you'll need to begin your experience of this amazing aromatherapy application.

 More about the AromaTouch® Technique Kit:

Equally compelling to novice users and licensed professionals alike, the AromaTouch® Technique represents an exciting new era of essential oil application and health benefits.*  The AromaTouch® Technique Kit from dōTERRA® includes everything you'll need to begin experiencing all that this essential oil application has to offer you.

The AromaTouch® Technique Kit includes:

A 5 ml bottle of each of the following dōTERRA® essential oils:

  • Balance™ Grounding Blend,
  • Lavender,
  • Melaleuca (tea tree),
  • On Guard® Protective Blend,
  • AromaTouch® Massage Blend,
  • Deep Blue® Soothing Blend,
  • Wild orange,
  • Peppermint,
A 4 oz bottle of fractionated coconut oil.
A training DVD and overview booklet, all in a beautiful presentation box.

What is the AromaTouch®Technique?
The dōTERRA ArōmaTouch Technique is a clinical approach to applying essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet to help balance sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems of the body. Developed by Dr. David Hill, a leading expert in integrative medicine and therapeutic applications of essential oils, the ArōmaTouch Technique improves well-being by reducing physical and emotional stressors and by supporting healthy autonomic function. 
The technique is simple and intuitive and uses dōTERRA CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils for an unparalleled grounding experience.
AromaTouch® Procedure The ArōmaTouch Technique includes four primary steps designed to minimize systematic stressors to autonomic balance. Each step includes the application of two essential oils or essential oil blends specifically formulated to support healthy emotional and physiological functions for well-being. The technique requires 40 minutes per application, and multiple applications can be serviced with one set of dōTERRA essential oils.

Systemic Constants

Most individuals encounter factors in daily life, from both their internal and external environment, that have negative effects on their overall health and well-being. These negative disturbances cause an imbalance in homeostasis, the natural balance of body systems and health. Homeostasis is the natural state of Such challenges, even when they do not directly result in disease, cause our bodies to function at a sub-optimal level. The AromaTouch™ Technique works to restore homeostasis, and minimize the impact of these factors.

Four systemic constants that most often impair homeostasis are:
Emotional distress, career choices, family discord, financial worries, lack of rest, etc. all elevate stress levels in the body. Elevated stress levels, maintained over time, have been shown in clinical studies to cause negative consequences to health. Studies have revealed that over time high stress levels can contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease, depression, insomnia, and ulcers.

Stress also negatively impacts the immune system, leaving it increasingly vulnerable to pathogens. Stress causes the body to increase its production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in charge of vital nervous system functions. Elevated serotonin levels are harmful to the body’s immunity. While serotonin works to monitor emotional and nerve health at normal levels, at elevated levels it can destroy white blood cells, resulting in a weakened immune system. Stress also causes increased levels of cortisol and epinephrine in body, further weakening immune response.

While many essential oils have been proven to counteract the negative effects of stress, both the essential oil blend Balance and the essential oil Lavender have specific calming effects on body systems.

Toxic Insult
Immunity depends on the ability of the body to produce effective white blood cells, complementary proteins, and other cell and body barriers. The immune system comprises a large network of organs and varied cell types, carrying out a range of interrelated functions. Its interconnectedness leaves it very vulnerable to toxins.

The normal functioning of the immune system can be easily hampered by a number of factors: environmental, dietary, medical interventions, etc. Exposure to a wide array of toxic insults including disease-causing pathogens, hormone or pesticide contaminated food products, increasing levels of free-radical pollution, and overexposure to radiation all contribute to the weakening of the immune system.

The inflammatory response occurs when body tissues are injured by bacteria, trauma, toxins, heat, or any other cause. The increased consumption of foods with pro-inflammatory components (foods high in polyunsaturated vegetable oils and trans-fats) together with high carbohydrate and low protein consumption contribute to increased inflammation in body tissues.

Stress with its accompanying imbalance of cortisol, can also contribute to chronic uncontrolled inflammation and various immunological dysfunctions. Studies increasingly show a direct link between chronic illness, inflammation, and fatal disease. Inflammation is also harmful to the body’s autonomic balance because of its pain inducing effects.

Autonomic Imbalance
The opposite of homeostasis, an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system (also known as the ANS, or visceral nervous system) can negatively impact health in a number of ways. Recent research has shown a direct link between autonomic imbalance and hypertension (high blood pressure). There is also evidence that autonomic imbalance can lead to cardiovascular morbidity and even mortality.

Autonomic imbalances can result from a number of sources, the major ones are mentioned above: stress, decreased immunity, and inflammation. Restoring homeostasis, or autonomic balance, can reduce the physiological impact of stressors on the body.

AromaTouch Technique Quick Reference:
Click HERE

Cleansing or Detoxification

Cleansing the Body, Dr. David K. Hill.  There are a number of cleanses associated with healthy detoxification of the body and essential oils.  Dr. David Hill in September of 2010 gave a presentation, with the introduction of a cleansing product from doTERRA named Zendocrine, on cleansing protocols and how they work in the body.  A summary of that presentation is on the tab Science and Research above.

There are many cleanses that different folks have advocated.  We will list here some of the more often mentioned and what their benefits are.  Under the Procedures tab we will include some experiences people have had.

Quotable Quotes about cleanses:
"We are much better off taking a daily approach, and being supportive, to the cleansing organs that are designed to detoxify our bodies."  Dr. David K. Hill

"The route of cleansing: Clear the bowels, Clean the blood/lymph, Rebuild.  Look to Essential Oils, Herbs, and Diet."  Julia

"The Liver is the Foundation of Health"  A saying of Chinese medicine

There are many cleanses that different folks have advocated.  We will list here some of the more often mentioned and what their benefits are.  Under the Procedures tab we will include some experiences people have had.

Nutritional Cleanses

A daily, gentle detoxification to provide support to the body organs that provide natural detoxification.

doTERRA Zendocrine with essential oils

Zendocrine Detoxification Complex, a combination of whole food extracts to provide support for the body's cleansing organs, the liver, kidneys, bowels, and skin.  Coupled with essential oils for additional support for the liver.
·    2 tablets daily of Zendocrine Detoxification Complex with 5 drops of Zendocrine blend in a capsule daily.
·    Zendocrine blend can be replaced with 4 drops each Geranium, Rosemary, Grapefruit, and Clove in a capsule.
·    Time period: can be taken indefinitely on a daily basis or as a periodic cleanse for 2 weeks every three months.

Lemon liver detoxification
For some this is part of their life for increased energy, emotional stability, and pain.
·    1 tablespoon of organic Lemon juice
·    1 drop each of Lemon and Peppermint essential oils
·    1 drop Coriander essential oils if necessary for addictions
·    2-4 ounces of purified water
·    Daily, drink first thing in the morning
·    Time period: indefinite

doTERRA Slim & Sassy
Dr. David Hill suggests the blend Slim & Sassy as a metabolic blend can help the body eliminate apidose cells the body has formed to encapulate dangerous toxins in the body.
·    1-2 drops Slim & Sassy per 8 ounces of water
·    2 to 4 glasses per day
·    Time period: indefinite

AromaTouch Technique
The periodic AromaTouch Technique has a cleansing benefit to the body.  See this technique described in detail on other pages of this website.
·    daily, weekly, monthly depending on the health needs of the individual

Detox Baths
This is soaking the body in a hot bath with Epson Salts and essential oils.  Be sure and mix the oils well before entering the bath.  Couple with lots of liquids.
·    1 cup Epson Salts
·    4 drops each Lavender, Geranium, Lemongrass essential oils
·    1 tub of hot water
·    soak 30 minutes or a long as comfortable
·    daily, weekly, monthly depending on the health needs of the individual
·    couple with lots of liquid (water, water with Lemon or Slim & Sassy, etc.)

Isolated Cleanses

A more aggressive, time period specific cleanse that may address one area of the body.

Herxheimer reactions
Since Isolated Cleanses are oft time an aggressive approach to cleansing body organs they can release massive quantities of toxins that have been within the body, especially from those that have had health problems.  These released toxins can cause uncomfortable reactions as they exit the body through the bowels or skin.  Some may experience digestive disruption, others rashes or other skin disorders.

The general advice is to slow the cleanse by reducing or spacing the cleansing agents to find a comfortable level, but to continue the cleanse.  Also consider a period of preparation with a nutritional cleanse as described above.

doTERRA GX Assist

GX Assist is a combination of essential oils and caprylic acid for cleansing the gastro intestinal tract.  It includes Oregano, Melaleuca, Lemon, Lemongrass, Peppermint, and Thyme essential oils.
·    3 GX Assist capsules daily for 10 days.  Best taken with meals.  If uncomfortable reactions reduce the number of daily capsules.
·    Follow with PB Assist, a probiotic, to build healthy digestive functions. 3 capsules per day, with meals, for 5 days.
·    Wait 15 days, repeat. Do this 3 times. (repeat 15 day protocol for 3 months)

Candida Cleanse
This is a cleanse similar to the GX Assist but using individual essential oils.  It also is highly effective against Candida or yeast infections that affect many.
·    5 drops each Melaleuca, Lemon, and Oregano essential oils in a vegetable capsule.
·    2 capsules per day for 2 weeks, rest 2 weeks, then 1 capsule per day for 2 weeks
·    Follow with a probiotic

Lemon liver detoxification
For those that will use the Lemon liver nutritional detoxification described previously  may want to begin that with this major cleanse of the liver.
·    Juice from 1 organic Lemon
·    10 drops each Lemon and Peppermint essential oils, 2 drops On Guard blend
·    Combine in 8 ounces of purified water
·    Daily, you can drink over a period of time
·    Time period: 14 days

The Master Cleanse or Lemonade Diet - Stanley Burroughs (contributed by Robert James)
The Master Cleanser is a way to cleanse the body of toxins and reduce the cravings we experience from eating junk food. The cleanse involves drinking only Lemonade made from fresh Lemon juice, Grade B/Medium maple syrup, water and Cayenne Pepper. No solid food can be eaten for the duration of the cleanse.

The Lemonade is best taken at room temperature. The master cleanse is technically not a "fast" and proponents say it is more gentle on the body because it does contain some essential vitamins and minerals.

According to proponents it is recommended to be on the cleanse for a minimum of ten days, but it is not uncommon for people to stay on the cleanse for longer periods of time, even as long as 45 days.

A good indicator of when you should end the cleanse is when the coating on your tongue clears up and your tongue is nice and pink in the morning. This indicates that your body has cleared out most toxins. But you must judge for yourself when to end the diet.

For me, personally, I experience a high influx of energy and a feeling of euphoria after about the 2nd or 3rd week.

The following quantities of each ingredient are required (some adjustment may be required for non-average sized people, large or small.) These amounts are for all the Lemonade you need for 1 day that is 2 quarts.
·    14 Tablespoons Lemon Juice
·    14 Tablespoons (Grade B) Maple Syrup
·    1/2 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper – or to taste (as much as you can stand)
·    2 quarts of water
·    Drink at room temperature.
·    10 to 45 days are mentioned

Since there is no intake of solid food, special precautions are taken to avoid constipation. Laxative tea, which is optional, is taken every night, and in the morning a quick drink of 32 ounces of lukewarm sea salt water (about 1heaping  tablespoon or sea salt).  This passes will pass through the digestive system extremely quickly, be near a bathroom, you will need it usually within 30-60 minutes. Many individuals don't require the laxative tea as long as the salt water has the desired effect. (and you can take it.  It's not fun drinkng warm salt water)

It is essential to go off of the cleanse slowly. The lack of solid foods for such long periods requires careful breaking, as gut flora need to re-develop and mucus linings re-build. This usually involves drinking "full strength" juices for a day or two, while slowly adding in soups, then fruit, vegetables and nuts before resuming a regular diet. I would definitly use the PB Assist probiotics during the cleanse to help re-establish a healthy intestinal culture.  Some individuals have returned to their healthy diet the following day after stopping the program without any problems, but this is rare and not recommended especially for first timers.

Others also recommend coupling the Master Cleanse with Slim & Sassy or Grapefruit water (1 to 2 drops in 8 ounces of water) and/or the AromaTouch Technique.  Also topical application of essential oils directly to the area of the liver with warm compresses (Helichrysum, etc.).

The Lawton Foot Technique - Dr. Sue Lawton (contributed by Pat Leavitt)
This is particularly good for pain as well as pulling toxins from the body.  Have on hand the following: 2 large 9x13 glass Pyrex baking pans and a pair of boot socks  
·    Place the pans in the oven, with the setting on bake at 180 degrees  
·    Sit your friend in a comfortable chair
·    Apply topically the oils of your choosing with a carrier for easy of spreading. Cover all of both feet
·    Citrus oils for detoxification
·    Frankincense or other antibiotic oils such as On Guard, Melissa depending on their specific needs.  
·    Place the heavy boot socks on each foot. If you do not have boot sock just put on double sport socks.  
·    Place the covered feet in the warmed Pyrex dishes and cover each foot with a warm moist towel, followed by a dry towel.  
·    While their feet are simmering, let them rest until the heat has left (usually about 30 minutes) or you can use those same oils and do a AromaTouch Hand Massage, or using the oils in the AromaTouchTechnique kit. 

When you remove the feet from the pans, put on a regular pair of socks.   Don't be surprised at how well they will feel when you have completed this procedure.

IQ Mega - Deodorized Omega-3 Fish Oil

IQ Mega Fish Oil

dōTERRA IQ Mega™ takes the fishy taste out of fish oil and puts the fresh orange flavor of dōTERRA’s wild orange CPTG essential oil in this great tasting and easy to swallow omega-3 supplement providing 1,000 mg of concentrated, pure omega-3 from fish oil per serving.

IQ Mega contains the essential nutrients EPA and DHA to support healthy brain, cardiovascular, immune and joint function.*

IQ Mega is formulated to be used daily, by children and adults, with A2Z Chewable.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are nutrients required for many key functions in the human body including cell growth, brain development, muscle activity, immune function, joint, health and many others.

While some fatty acids can be produced inside the body, “essential” fatty acids cannot be produced by our bodies and we rely upon the food we eat to supply us with these important nutrients.

Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Two primary essential fatty acids are omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Modern science suggests, for optimal health, humans should consume a 1:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids in the foods they eat.

Unfortunately, due to the abundance of omega-6 fatty acids in vegetable oils and our increasing consumption of fried and fatty foods, the western diet includes omega-6 fatty acids in a ratio as high as 15 to 1. While our diets must include some omega-6 fatty acids as essential nutrients for life, the disproportionate consumption of omega-6 fatty acids as well as unhealthy hydrogenated or trans fats has been linked to diseases including cardiovascular disease, cancer, osteoporosis, inflammatory and autoimmune disease. Studies also link low intake of omega-3 fatty acids to a higher prevalence of depression and other mental illnesses.

Conversely, there is an enormous body of scientific information supporting the health benefits of increasing the dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have shown that increasing omega-3 fatty acid consumption has a positive effect on cardiovascular health, brain function, and helps balance the cellular inflammatory response. Increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids has also been shown to have a positive impact on joint health, mobility and skin health.*

IQ Mega
Restoring the balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids is an important step in keeping your body healthy. This can be done by decreasing your intake of unhealthy foods high in omega-6 fatty acids and increasing your intake of foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Fish is an excellent source of dietary omega-3 fatty acids. Because of growing anxiety over the levels of toxins and heavy metals present in many of the world’s oceans, daily fish consumption as a source of omega-3 fatty acids is not acceptable to some consumers.

In fact, many nutritional experts warn against frequent fish consumption to prevent exposure to these toxic pollutants. One daily dose of IQ Mega provides 1000 mg of pure, micro-filtered marine lipids with 600 mg of EPA and 400 mg of DHA omega-3 essential fatty acids without toxins or heavy metals.

Primary Benefits
 • Promotes cardiovascular health by reducing oxidative stress and mediating a healthy cellular response to inflammatory makers*

 • Supports healthy joint function and comfort*

 • Provides important modulating nutrients for healthy immune function*

 • Protects against lipid oxidation and supports healthy function of the brain*

 • Promotes healthy skin* 

What Makes This Product Unique?
 • Delivers 1000 mg of pure, concentrated, molecularly-distilled, and completely deodorized fish oil with 600 mg of EPA and 400 mg of DHA per daily serving

 • Provides the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA from marine sources to help maintain a healthy balance of omega-3 fatty acids

 • Formulated with dōTERRA’s CPTG® Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade wild orange essential oil

 • Does not contain milk or wheat products

 • Specifically formulated to use daily with A2Z Chewable Tablets as a comprehensive dietary supplement foundation for a lifetime of vitality and wellness

Directions for Use
Take 1 teaspoon daily. Store away from direct heat and light. After opening, refrigerate and consume within 100 days. Product may change appearance when refrigerated.
Keep bottle tightly closed to preserve freshness. Do not use if safety seal is broken or missing.

Keep out of reach of children. Pregnant or lactating women and people with known medical conditions should consult a physician before using. Do not use if safety seal is broken or missing. Does not contain milk or wheat products. Store in refrigerator after opening.

Supplemental Facts
IQ Mega supplemental facts

 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

dōTERRA Women's Health Kit

dōTERRA WOMEN is a new line of products formulated to address the unique and changing health needs of women. It consists of 3 items in this set - Phytoestrogen Lifetime Complex, Bone Nutrient Lifetime Complex and Clarycalm essential oil. 

From beginning as a young adult, almost every function of a woman’s body will be controlled by hormones. A balance of normal hormone levels will influence a woman’s good health and emotional well-being from her early teens to her transition through menopause.

Phytoestrogen Lifetime ComplexTM and Bone Nutrient Lifetime Complex™ provide nutritional support to help manage the hormonal factors associated with degenerative conditions associated with menopause and aging, while Clarycalm TM monthly essential oil blend provides temporary relief from the emotional and physical symptoms associated with regular hormone cycles in women.

Based on the latest scientific research and standardized plant extracts, the dōTERRA Women line of products provides natural support for women throughout the different phases of their lifetime.

The dōTERRA WOMEN Products:

dōTERRA Women Phytoestrogen Lifetime Complex is a blend of natural plant extracts that support hormone balance throughout the different phases of a women’s life.

Phytoestrogen Lifetime Complex include a standardized soy extract with genistein, a powerful phytoestrogen that binds with estrogen receptors in cells, and the natural phytoestrogens in pomegranate.

It also includes a concentrated extract of flax seed lignans to help manage potentially harmful metabolites that are produced when estrogen is metabolized in the liver.

Balancing hormones and managing harmful metabolites by eating a healthy diet rich in phytoestrogens and other essential nutrients, exercising, and managing weight can help reduce uncomfortable symptoms associated with PMS and the transition through menopause and supports healthy bones, heart, breast tissue, and other body structures and functions as a women ages.

Directions for use:
Pre and peri-menopausal women take one to two capsules daily with food. Post-menopausal women take two capsules daily with food.

NOTE: Pregnant or lactating women and people with known medical conditions should consult with a physician prior to taking supplements. Does not contain wheat or milk products.


Women begin to build bone mass at an early age reaching a maximum bone density in their late twenties. As a woman ages, bone mass begins to decline and bones become more brittle.

Declining bone density and health can be accelerated in women whose diets do not include optimal levels of bone nutrients and whose hormones are out of balance.

Not managing harmful estrogen metabolites can also accelerate bone degeneration or wasting. dōTERRA’s Bone Nutrient Lifetime Complex is a blend of vitamins and minerals that are essential for bone health including vitamins C and D, calcium, magnesium, and other trace minerals.

Bone Nutrient Lifetime Complex can be used by women (and men) of all ages as a dietary supplement to conveniently increase consumption of the bone nutrients found in healthy foods but often deficient in our modern diets.

Directions for use:
Teen and adult women, take four capsules daily with food.

NOTE: Pregnant or lactating women and people with known medical conditions should consult with a physician prior to taking supplements. Does not contain wheat or milk products.


dōTERRA Women’s Clarycalm is a proprietary blend of Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils that have been traditionally used to balance hormones and manage symptoms of PMS and the transitional phases of menopause. Clarycalm is a topical blend of Clary Sage, Lavender, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Cedarwood, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Fennel, Carrot seed, Palmarosa, and Vitex that provide temporary respite from cramps, nausea, hot flashes, and the emotional swings sometimes associated with regular hormone cycles in women.

To purchase, click HERE

DDR Prime Essential Oil Cellular Complex

DDR Prime OildōTERRA’s DDR Prime Essential Oil Cellular Complex is a proprietary blend of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils combined to support healthy cell biogenesis, function, and renewal. 

DDR Prime includes the pure aromatic compounds of frankincense, wild orange, lemongrass, thyme, summer savory, clove, and niaouli that have been shown in clinical studies to support cellular health and vitality.* 

As the basic structure of all living things, cells perform three primary functions: they make copies of themselves, they perform a specialized function, and they self-destruct when they are not performing their first two functions correctly.

As we age, cellular function can be compromised by poor nutrition, obesity, stress, and exposure to harmful environmental influences such as infectious microorganisms and toxic chemicals.

When cellular DNA and other structures are compromised, cells can fail to regenerate, fail to function as programmed, and fail to initiate the normal and healthy process of cellular turnover and renewal.

Cellular Renewal through Apoptosis
Cells have a limited lifespan for performing their many unique and specialized functions in an organism.

DDR Prime CapsuleslA normal and natural mechanism for maintaining optimal cell function is a process of cellular renewal called apoptosis in which older cells are eliminated through a process of self-regulated destruction, and new cells are made to replace old cells.

Through this process, humans replace the approximate equivalent of their body weight in new cells every year!

If cellular apoptosis and regeneration are compromised, sub-optimal health conditions may follow. Staying young and enjoying a long life of vitality begins with healthy cellular function.

DDR Prime Essential Oil Cellular Complex Made with Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® Essential Oils

Free Radical Molecules and DNA
Free radical molecules are molecules with one or more unpaired electrons that can potentially damage cellular structures including cellular DNA.

Found in the nucleus of each cell, DNA stores the instructions for cellular regeneration, function, repair, and apoptosis. When DNA is compromised, cell function can be compromised and unhealthy conditions such as the early onset of degenerative conditions associated with aging can be accelerated.

Antioxidants are molecules with one or more electrons to spare. Antioxidants can neutralize free-radical molecules stopping their destructive cycle of damage to cellular DNA and compromised cellular function. Although our bodies can produce some antioxidants, we primarily depend on dietary sources of antioxidants to neutralize free-radical stress on cells.

Eating foods that are rich in natural antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, managing stress, and limiting our exposure to external sources of toxic free-radical molecules can help support cellular longevity and vitality.

DDR Prime Essential Oil Cellular Complex
DDR Prime Essential Oil Cellular Complex is a proprietary blend of Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils that have been shown in clinical studies to help protect cells against free-radical damage while supporting healthy cellular function.

The blend includes clove, thyme, and wild orange essential oil, providing powerful antioxidants that help protect cellular DNA from free-radical damage. It also includes essential oils from Boswellia frereana (frankincense), lemongrass, summer savory, and niaouli that have been shown to support cellular apoptosis and renewal.*

DDR Prime is available as a pure blend in a 30 ml bottle, or in a liquid capsule format that includes dōTERRA’s Nanosomal Lipid Assimilation System for improved bioavailability and digestion.

Primary Benefits
 • Supports healthy cell proliferation and lifespan by reducing oxidative stress to DNA and other critical cell structures*

 • Supports healthy cellular apoptosis and renewal* 

What Makes This Product Unique?
 • A proprietary blend of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils of frankincense, wild orange, lemongrass, thyme, summer savory, clove, and niaouli

 • One 8-drop serving (480 mg) has an ORAC 5.0 score of over 5,000

 • Available in a 30 ml bottle, or as a liquid capsule with Nanosomal Lipid Delivery System 

Who Should Use this Product?
DDR Prime is formulated to be used by adults concerned with cellular regeneration, function, and renewal.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

Vegan Lifelong Vitality Pack

dōTERRA's new Vegan Lifelong Vitality pack includes vEO Mega, a unique 100% 
Vegan formula of plant omega fatty acids, carotenoids, and natural vitamin E and D. 

dōTERRA's Lifelong Vitality supplements are formulated with potent levels of 
essential nutrients and powerful metabolic factors for optimal health, energy, 
and longevity. Coupled with dōTERRA's CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade 
essential oils and a lifelong commitment to dōTERRA's wellness lifestyle, they 
naturally support a lifetime of looking, feeling and living younger, longer.

Vegan LLV 

doTERRA Alpha CRS+® Cellular Vitality Complex is a proprietary formula 
combining potent levels of natural botanical extracts that support healthy 
cell proliferation and lifespan with important metabolic factors of cellular energy
to help you live younger, longer. Alpha CRS+® is formulated to be used daily with 
xEO Mega and Microplex VMz® as a comprehensive dietary supplement foundation 
for a lifetime of vitality and wellness.

Primary Benefits

• Supports healthy cell proliferation and lifespan by reducing oxidative stress 
to DNA and other critical cell structures

• Supports healthy inflammatory response to oxidative stress in cells

• Supports cellular energy by supporting healthy mitochondria and by supplying 
metabolic factors of energy production

• Supports healthy cellular immune function

• Supports mental clarity and healthy brain function

dōTERRAs' vEO Mega is a revolutionary vegetarian formula blending 
CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils of clove, frankincense, 
thyme, cumin, orange, peppermint, ginger, caraway, and German chamomile, 
with natural plant-sourced essential fatty acids from flax, algae, incha inchi seed, 
borage, cranberry, pomegranate, pumpkin, and grape seed oils delivering 380 mg 
ALA and 100 mg DHA per daily serving.

doTERRA's Microplex VMz® Food Nutrient Complex is an all-natural, whole-food 
formula of bioavailable vitamins and minerals that are are deficient in our modern diets. 

The formula includes a balanced blend of essential antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E, 
and an energy complex of B vitamins presented in a patented glycoprotein matrix. 

It also contains food-derived minerals of calcium, magnesium, and zinc and 72 organic 
trace minerals for optimal bone and metabolic health. Microplex VMz® contains 
doTERRA's Tummy Tamer™ botanical blend of Peppermint, Ginger, and caraway to calm 
the stomach for those who may have experienced stomach upset with other vitamin and 
mineral products. 

Microplex VMz® is encapsulated using sodium lauryl sulfate-free vegetable capsules, 
does not contain wheat or dairy products, and does not include any animal products 
or synthetic ingredients.

Primary Benefits

• Provides 22 essential vitamins and minerals to support normal growth, functioning 
and maintenance of cells

• Fights free radicals with the antioxidants vitamins A, C, and E

• Supports healthy metabolism and cellular energy

• Supports bone health with calcium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin D

• Supports healthy immune function

• Supports healthy digestion

• Provides systemic benefits of vitality and wellness associated with optimal 
intake of essential nutrients

Full Supplemental Facts and Directions

White Fir

About White Fir
White Fir Essential Oil (Abies alba )
Derived from the soft needles of the tree, white fir is a favorite among essential oil users for its ability to comfort and soothe muscle aches and pains when applied topically.

White Fir is recognizable as the common Christmas tree.  It is a powerful antioxidant and has historically been used for relief of exercised muscles, for soothing muscle and rheumatism pain and has been widely used for strengthening the immune system. Fir also increases poor circulation, is effective with genital and urinary infections, and reduces asthma and coughing.  It is also used as a disinfectant and decongestant.  The dōTerra Essential Oil White Fir is from the botanical family Pinaceae and comes from Austria.  The oil comes from the needles of the White (Silver) Fir tree.
Typical Applications
White Fir is an excellent direct topical massage oil, and is used often as a surface disinfectant.  White Fir diffused can be an airborne antiseptic and is antimicrobial.

Precautions:  Can be a skin irritant.  Use a skin test.  Use with care during pregnancy.

Antibiotic, Antiseptic, Antioxidant, Astringent, Disinfectant, Diuretic

Wellness Uses
Disinfect Living Area, Immune Strengthener

Common Health Concerns
Arthritic Pain, Cold and Flu, Congestion, Infections, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain

Deep Blue Rub 舒緩複方乳霜

Product Description
dōTERRA’s Deep Blue Rub is a rich, topical cream infused with Deep Blue® Soothing Blend of Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade
essential oils that provide targeted comfort to tired and sore
joints and muscles.
with a propriety blend of natural plant extracts and other
powerful ingredients, Deep Blue Rub provides a comforting
sensation of cooling and warmth to problem areas.
With close to 5 ml of dōTERRA’s top-selling Deep Blue essential 
oil blend of Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Blue Tansy, German
Chamomile, Helichrysum,and Osmanthus, Deep Blue Rub is an 
essential addition to your bathroom cabinet, gym bag, or first
aid kit. 
Deep Blue Rub is blended in a base of moisturizing emollients that 
leave your skin feeling soft, non-greasy and is the choice of massage therapists and sports practitioners who currently use dōTERRA’s Deep Blue essential oil blend in their practice
Primary Benefits
• Provides temporary comfort to tired and sore muscles and joints
• Supports circulation to muscles and joints when used as a massage medium
What Makes This Product Unique?
• Formulated with dōTERRA’s proprietary Deep Blue Soothing Blend 
of Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils—close to 5 ml of oil per 4 oz tube!
• Includes other natural plant extracts and powerful ingredients including
Camphor, Menthol, Eucalyptus, Wintergreen, and Capsicum
• Moisturizing formula leaves skin soft and smooth, not greasy like other muscle rubs
• Provides a convenient medium for applying Deep Blue Soothing Blend in massage or sportstherapy applications
• Formulated according to dōTERRA’s “NONE OF THE BAD PHILOSPHY” of not using harmful ingredients including
artificial colors, diethanolamine (DEA), formaldehyde donors, 
parabens, phthalates, propylene glycol, sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), sodium laurel sulfate (SLS), toluene, and triethanolamine (TEA)
Key Ingredients
• Deep Blue essential oil blend of Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint,
Blue Tansy, German Chamomile, Helichrysum, and Osmanthus
• Menthol —Provides a cooling effect
• Eucalyptus — Helps to temporarily calm muscle and joint inflammation
• Wintergreen —Supports circulation and brings warmth to
the affected area
• Capsicum Frutescens Extract —Warms by triggering heat receptors
in surface tissues
Who Should Use this Product?
Deep Blue Rub is beneficial for adults seeking temporary comfort for tired and sore muscles and joints associated with strenuous physical activity or discomfort associated with advanced aging. 
Not recommended for young children with sensitive skin
Directions for Use
Massage a pea-size amount of Deep Blue Rub into affected
muscles, joints, and other surface tissues of the body. 
Repeat if necessary. 
Avoid contact with eyes. Use with caution on sensitive skin areas.
For a more intensive treatment, apply Deep Blue essential oil blend on the skin prior to lotion application.
For external use only.
Avoid contact with eyes. Do not use on wounds or damaged skin. 
Do not bandage tightly after application or use with a heating pad.
If a raised area of redness appears after application, discontinue use.
Keep out of reach of children to avoid accidental ingestion.
If swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center immediately.
Aqua, Gaultheria procumbens (Wintergreen) Leaf Oil, Cinnamomum camphora
(Camphor) Bark Oil, Menthol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Prunus amygdalus dulcis
(Sweet Almond) Oil, Stearic Acid, Glyceryl Stearate, PEG-100 Stearate,
Mentha piperita (Peppermint) Oil, Eucalyptus globulus (Eucalyptus) Leaf Oil,
Capsicum frutescens Extract, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Butylene Glycol,
Chamomilla recutita (Blue Chamomile) Flower Oil ,Tanacetumannuum (Blue Tansy) Oil,
Helichrysum italicum (Helichrysum) Flower Oil, Allantoin, Gardenia florida Fruit 
Extract,Osmanthus fragrans (Osmanthus) Flower Extract, Aloe barbadensis 
Leaf Juice, Chlorella Vulgaris Extract, Retinyl Palmitate, Squalane,
Ceteareth-20, Hydroxyethyl Acrylate/Sodium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate 
Copolymer, Dimethicone, Phenoxyethanol, Caprylyl Glycol, 
Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Xanthan Gum,
Ethylhexylglycerin, Hexylene Glycol, Polysorbate 60, Maltodextrin, Sodium PCA, Tetrasodium Glutamate Diacetate
dōTERRA Deep Blue® 舒緩複方身體乳液是一支滋潤、
之舒緩複方精油 ,用以舒緩您身體局部的各種疲勞與不適。
舒緩複方精油,每4盎司(110毫升)就添加了接近5毫升 !
•包括其他天然植物 萃取物和許多效果卓越的成分 ,
包括樟腦、薄荷醇、尤加利樹 、冬青和辣椒
•舒緩複方精油 —冬青、樟腦薄荷藍艾菊 、 德國洋甘菊、 
•薄荷醇 —提供降溫鎮定之效果
•尤加利 樹 — 幫助暫時 平靜肌肉和關節的不適
•冬青 —活絡身體,讓受到影響之部位更為舒暢
•辣椒萃取物 —幫助活 絡肌膚表面並使之溫暖
劇烈的活動產生的不適或因年齡而產生各種活動上的問題 。
將Deep Blue®舒緩複方乳霜按摩於局部受影響的肌肉、
關節和其他體表 組織。如有必要,重複此操作。
避免接觸眼睛。對敏感 肌膚應謹慎使用。
若有需要加強使用 ,可以使用Deep Blue®舒緩複方精油,
可在乳霜之前先擦於 可在乳液之前先擦於皮膚上需要舒緩之部位。
之加熱墊。若於使用後產生紅腫, 請立即停止使用。
避免兒童直接觸或誤食 。
如果不慎吞服,請立即尋求專業醫療人員協助 。