Thursday, 5 June 2014

Children and doTERRA Essential Oils

Here is some great information from doTERRA about how to use doTERRA essential oils to help your children through common illnesses / ailments / disorders.

ADD/ADHD:  In TuneVetiver, Serenity. Apply 1-3 drops directly on spine or bottoms of feet.

Allergies, Runny Nose:  LavenderLemon and Peppermint.  Mix – 1-2 drops of each and put under tongue, in a capsule to swallow, or  rub on the back of neck or throat with a carrier oil. This combination really works.

Anxiety/fear – Lavender and Serenity are great oils to help calm down children with.  Children often experience anxiety and fear as they continue to learn about the world around them.  To help ease some of these symptoms which could include screaming, crying, shying away, etc. you should apply these oils to bottoms of the child’s feet.  The feet have the largest pores in the body and so the oils will get into the bloodstream the quickest from that point (often within 30 seconds).

Bug Bites, Bee Stings:  1-2 drops of Lavender.  It reduces swelling and stops the pain.  Area may also be soaked in water with  the oil.

Burns:  Mix 4-5 drops of lavender.  You can dilute with Aloe Vera oil if possible, and apply directly on location.

Colds ThymeLemonOn GuardMelaleuca.   Dilute a couple of drops of oil with 1-2 Tbls of a carrier oil such as Fractionated Coconut oil and massage a little on neck and chest.  Repeat every 2-4 hours.  Can apply topically on feet at reflex points.  It is wise during the winter months to apply a drop of On Guard and Melaleuca on feet a few times each week as a preventative.

Congestion:  Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Breathe –  Diffuse 4 drops (of one) in a diffuser, or apply on upper spine or lungs.  Oils help congestion when inhaled, so diffusion is great.  DO NOT put oils directly on nose or forehead without a carrier oil.  Applying directly on skin can sting and cause irritation to the eyes.

Constipation:  DigestZen, Fennel,  Rosemary, (ginger and orange work well also).  Apply a couple drops right on  stomach and reflex points on feet.

Cough – to relieve a child of a cough you can rub Eucalyptus (again, diluted if necessary) up a child's spine and around their lungs (on their back).  You can also use Lemon for this.  Rubbing these oils in allows the mucus to break up.  You may notice that your child cough can change from a dry cough to a phlegmy cough very shortly after applying these oils.

Or, Melaleuca and Breathe (adding  a couple drops of  the ‘ On Guard’ blend will also help kill virus’ and bacteria).  Apply a couple of drops of Melaleuka right on chest, wait one minute, then apply a drop or two of  Breathe.  Use a carrier oil for sensitive skin.  Diffuse Breathe or Eucalyptus in the air to clear lungs and congestion. For more serious respiratory issues, diffuse or swallow 1-2 drops of the  Melissa oil and/or lemongrass.

Croup:   Marjoram and Thyme  – Dilute in a carrier oil and massage on neck and chest.

Dry Skin:  Sandalwood.   Dilute a few drops of Sandalwood in 1-2 Tbls of a carrier oil and apply on locations.

Cuts and bruises – Children are constantly scraping their knees and bruising their elbows.  In order to help the healing along Lavender is a great oil to apply.  Lavender is sort of a one oil fits all type of deal and it is recommended that you have a bottle of Lavender at all times.  Lavender will help to disinfect cuts and clear up bruises as well as eliminating that anxiety associated with getting hurt and thus calming the child.

Ear infections – to fight off an ear infection place 1 drop each of Lavender and Melaleuca behind and in front of the infected ear.  Within 12 hours the infection should be clear.

Fever:  Dilute 1-2 drops of peppermint and/or lavender and massage on the back of the neck, feet, or behind the ears. You can take a small bucket of water, add 3 to 4 drops of peppermint, and use a handkerchief to do whole body sponging.

Rashes:  Lavender, Sandalwood and Roman Chamomile – Apply on location with a carrier oil

Respiratory distress – If your child is showing signs of respiratory distress you can use Breathe.  Breathe is an amazing oil to use as it opens up airways.  If you feel the distress is to great to skip a trip to the ER or a call to an ambulance then apply Breathe to your child's chest (diluted) on your way or as you wait, to help calm some of the problems.  When a child is in distress you might only need 1 drop, but it is quite possible that you will need more.  Don’t be afraid to use 3-5 drops, if required. You can also use Peppermint and even put a drop of peppermint in your child's mouth.

Respiratory Flu:  CypressLemon – Dilute in an unscented bath gel and use while bathing. Put a couple drops of  Melaleuca,  On Guard  and Breathe  on the feet to  help kill the virus’ and open up airways.

Runny nose –Eucalyptus is a very effective oil for fighting runny noses.  Simply by applying the Eucalyptus under and around the nose you can help to fight one off.  It usually lasts a couple of hours (sometimes more) before needing to be reapplied (if it is a persistent runny nose).  Some children may find that Eucalyptus is difficult to handle, in such cases you should dilute it with Fractionated Coconut Oil.

Sleep:  To relax and fall asleep, diffuse Serenity 2-4 drops one hour before bedtime.  Diffuse through the night to stay asleep

Sore Throats:  On Guard (will numb throat pain instantly) Melalueca and Oregano.  Dilute 1-3 drops with 1 Tbs of a carrier oil and apply to throat, back of neck and reflex points on feet. On Guard will numb the pain.  You may also swallow or gargle a few drops in a capsule. (When using Oregano topically, ALWAYS apply  with a carrier oil.  It can be very irritating to the skin cause a burning feeling.)

Sunburns:   put a drop of two of peppermint in a spray bottle and spray over sunburn area to cool the skin.  Then apply lavender and Aloe Vera over area.

Thrush:  Melaleuca – dilute and apply on location.  Lavender and lemon also helps

Preventative Oils:  ”An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure!  Stop the germs before they turn into diseases! ”

On GuardMelaleuca and/or  Frankincense - Apply a drop or two each night on children’s feet, especially during cold and flu season.

dōTERRA Essential oils does not prevent, treat or cure disease. Your lifestyle choices can help prevent disease. Your doctor treats symptoms and fixes broken parts. Your body cure disease!

ADD / ADHD and essential oils

A doterra user, Jaime compiled the following information as part of the Using Essential Oils for Anxiety, ADD/ADHD, Autism and Gut Issues class that she offers.

    Jaime particularly recommends the following five doTERRA oils for children with ADHD / ADD:
    • Balance – I use this oil before we do our homeschooling each day for focus and attention. Rubbing it up the neck and the base of the skull and a dab on the third eye point. We also use Balance before bed at night. Detoxifying, promotes courage and self-esteem.
    • Lavender – this oil is recommended for almost every topic I covered in the class I taught. It is great for focus and attention, anxiety, sleep issues, reduce inflammation, meltdowns and helps in rashes. We use it everynight either on the bottoms of the feet, in our bath, backrub or on the base of the skull and neck. I also use it before going out in public since my daughter still can become overwhelmed and upset in big crowds. Recently I started using it for her before her social group class and immediately she was paying better attention, more calm and actually playing with the other kids.
    • Frankincense - this oil is top of my list for anyone. Stimulates limbic system of the brain. I use this oil nightly on my daughters feet for calming, focus and improves inflammation in her body. I take it internally daily. It is analgesic, anti-depressant, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, diuretic and sedative. Frankincense oil improves the healthy production of white blood cells and boosts the immune system.
    • Vetiver – focus, calm, anxiety, depression, insomnia, skin care and healing, nervousness, stress,. Diffusing vetiver essential oil may help relieve stress and also from emotional shock and trauma. A natural tranquilizer, can help induce a restful sleep. It is also helpful for a congested liver and pancreas. It is very grounding and can be used at night if you have a child who walks in their sleep or seems very fidgety while sleeping. Pairs well with lavender and clary sage.
    • In Tune – Helps restore focus and increase ability to stay on task, promotes clarity of thought and increases alertness and centering thought processes. 

      Jaime's story 
      I homeschool my 5 1/2 year old daughter. When in school she had no focus at all and wouldn't sit down to listen to stories. I took her out a couple months ago and at first it was a big struggle for me to get her to pay attention or even answer my questions at time. 

      I have been using these oils on my clients for over 4 yrs now and then on myself and family for sleep, energy, gut issues etc. I had never looked at them for focus/ADHD issues, I started looking into it and ordered In Tune and I already had the rest of them. 

      I still remember the first day I put the InTune up her spine on her neck and the triangles behind the ears and then massaged her and let her smell it, we also did in the diffuser balance while we were doing our work that day. She was more focused and was actually interested in what I was showing her and wanted to do her writing by herself (usually I would hold her hand and help her trace). I thought it maybe was a coincidence but then we did it the next day and the next and got more done than we had the last previous weeks. At night I started doing frankincense and vetiver on her feet as well as lavender. 

      Now we also do lemon, peppermint for her to inhale or I diffuse if she is feeling lethargic or tired. I had great results with lavender for her before she would go to her social group. She would usually be hyper and wouldn't participate, running around doing her own thing. She was paying better attention, more calm and actually playing with the other kids the first time we did it, I rubbed it on her neck and feet before we left the house. 

      ADD/ADHD Essential Oils
      • Balance, clary sage, cerdarwood, frankincense, lavender, rosemary, peppermint, lemon, Serenity, vetiver, ylang ylang and In Tune.
      • You can put all of these oils on your child's feet or on a terra-cotta pendent to smell these oils throughout the day.

      In Tune Oil Blend
      • This is a blend of essential oils carefully selected for their ability to enhance focus and support healthy thought processes. The oils amyris, patchouli, frankincense, lime, ylang ylang, sandalwood (Hawaiian) and Roman Chamomile were selected for their ability to enhance focus and support healthy thought processes.
      • The technique for applying In Tune: roll it up the spine and rub it on the triangle on two points at the base of the neck behind the ears, then massage it in.
      • Vetiver Oil or Frankincense Oil carried with the child during the day can help them if they find themselves loosing focus or calm. Clay necklaces with the preferred oil or applying some oil to the area of the hand between the thumb and first finger allows an easy quick technique to inhale during a busy school day.
      For improved concentration
      • Apply vetiver to the feet, focusing on the big toe. You can also use a necklace with a pendant that will absorb the oil that can be smelled all day.
      • Diffuse Roman chamomile and lavender or apply on the insides of the wrists or behind the ears.
      Frustration, impatience and anger
      • Balance, Serenity, frankincense, lavender and ylang ylang – Apply to feet, back of the neck, behind the knees and diffuse into the air.

        There was a case study published in the American Medical Association Journal by Dr. Terry Friedmann M.D. that found significant results when children who had previously been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD inhaled essential oils of vetiver, lavender and cedarwood. The inhalation of the oils proved to settle the children’s brain waves back into normal patterns and improved their scholastic performance and behavioral patterns. 
        The final results were:
        • Lavender increased performance by 53%
        • Cedarwood increased performance by 83%
        • Vetiver increased performance by 100%

        • The part of the brain responsible for interpreting aromas is closely tied to the part of the brain responsible for long term memory and emotions. Studies have demonstrated the ability of essential oil aromas such as rosemary and peppermint to help enhance memory and alertness in human trials. 
        • Try inhaling rosemary, peppermint, or frankincense when studying or learning; then inhale the same aroma when you need to recall the information. 
        • Try diffusing oils such as lavender, lemon, or rosemary to help aid concentration. We really find that lemon helps our six year old son concentrate during homework time 

        dōTERRA Essential oils does not prevent, treat or cure disease. Your lifestyle choices can help prevent disease. Your doctor treats symptoms and fixes broken parts. Your body cure disease!

        Home Essential Kit

        The dōTERRA Home Essentials Kit  is a great way to get started with Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. If you are interested in really using these oils with your family then this is a big bang for your buck in terms of savings.

        Home Essentials Kit includes 
        (10 + 1 = 11 bottles of essential oils + Ultra Sonic Petal diffuser)
        (15 ml bottle):
        - Lavender, 
        - Lemon
        - Peppermint
        - Melaleuca
        - Oregano
        - Breathe
        - DigestZen
        - Frankincense
        - On Guard

        (5 ml bottle) :
        - Deep blue 

        *FREE Fractionated Coconut Oil (4oz)
        *FREE Petal Diffuser (4 hours).

        dōTERRA Home Essentials Kit Includes:

        Lavender: For calming and stress reduction
        -This oil is from France

        -It relieves stress, anxiety and insomnia
        -You can use it aromatically (mist, diffuse or inhale), massage it onto the skin and take it orally
        -It takes the pain out of bee sting – by applying it on the location.
        -You can use it to sooth skin irritations and burns by applying it on the location.
        -It can be used with lemon and peppermint to relieve allergies

        Lemon: For Cleansing and Mood Elevation
        -This oil is from Italy
        -It is a natural antioxidant and detoxifies
        -You can take it with water or in a capsule
        -It is a natural cleansing agent and stain remover.
        -It can be used to remove the “stinky smell” from laundry.
        -It removes petrochemicals from the body.
        -It aids in removing fat from the body.
        -It elevates your mood

        Peppermint: For Indigestion and Cooling
        -This oil is from Washington, USA
        -Relieves headaches – apply on temples, forehead, or back of neck
        -Calming to upset stomach – Take in capsules or apply to the stomach
        -Helps increase energy – diffuse and inhale
        -Cooling – Mist on body or apply on forehead, diffuse and inhale
        -Helps with concentration and is helpful before test taking or stressful situations

        Melaleuca: For Soothing and Healing Skin
        -This oil is from Australia
        -Can be used as first aid ointment – apply on location
        -Use for skin irritations like athlete’s foot – apply on location
        -Beneficial for hair and scalp – add to shampoo or conditioner
        -It is a natural cleansing agent and stain remover.
        -It can be used to remove the “stinky smell” from laundry.

        Oregano: For Immune Support
        -This oil is from Turkey
        -Naturally supports the immune system – take several drops in a capsule for periodic immune system boosts
        -Works as a natural defense against cold, flu, diarrhea, throat infection and yeast infection – -Apply to bottom of feet
        -Used for wart removal

        Frankincense: For Inflammation, Depression
        -This oil is from Oman
        -Helps reduce inflammation – apply on location or take internally
        -Helps relieve headaches and migraines – apply with peppermint and lavender
        -Supports immune function – massage on feet or take internally
        -This oil is amazing – when in doubt use Frankincense. I used it with my son when he had a viral infection and it relieved all symptoms within a couple of hours.

        Deep Blue: For Muscle and Joint Health
        -Helps relieve muscle and joint pain – apply on location
        -Contains blue tansy and helichrysum, which can help support long -term muscle joint and bone healing.
        -Use before and after working out
        -Apply on muscles and joints
        -I have used this personally for sinus pressure and congestion – rub on back of neck

        Breathe: For Respiratory Support
        -Oil Blend – Eucalyptus, Laurel leaf, Lemon, Melaleuca, Peppermint, Ravensara
        -Relaxes the body and mind – diffuse at bedtime for a more restful sleep
        -Use during allergy season – Apply to the chest area to help clear the lungs and sinuses of congestion
        -Ideal for those with asthma – diffuse and inhale, apply to the chest and sinuses

        DigestZen: For Natural Digestive Support
        -Oil Blend – Anise, Caraway, Coriander. Fennel. Ginger. Peppermint, Tarragon
        -Relieves digestive discomforts such as food poisoning, acid reflux, nausea, constipation or -diarrhea – apply to the stomach area (or bottom of the feet for children) or take internally.
        -This is an amazing oil that actually can determine the difference between constipation and diarrhea. I have used it to aid with gluten attacks as well.

        On Guard: For Natural Immune Defense
        -Oil Blend – Cinnamon, Clove bud, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Wild Orange
        -Stops the growth of viruses and bacteria – diffuse, apply on location.
        -Contains soils shown to inhibit MRSA (antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria)
        -Helps kill airborne pathogens
        -Helps knock out colds and sore throats – Swallow one drop (alone or with water) or take in a capsule

        Essential Oil First Aid Kit

        It is important to have first-aid kit ready at all time. A well-stocked first-aid kit, kept within easy reach, is a necessity in every home. Having supplies gathered ahead of time will help you handle an emergency at a moment's notice. You should keep one first-aid kit in your home/school/office and one in each car. Also be sure to bring a first-aid kit on family vacations. 

        Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils are very effective solutions to help deal with summertime bumps, bruises, cuts, scrapes and other summertime discomforts.

        Most oils have antiseptic properties and can be used to disinfect or clean cuts and scrapes. Some oils would need to be diluted. Especially the hot ones like cinnamon or oregano.

        A few oils you should have in your First Aid Kit:

        -Melaleuca (Tea Trea)
        -Roman Camomile
        -Deep Blue/Dep Blue Rub
        -Past Tense

        -Fractionated Coconut Oil


        Bumps and Bruises- Apply to any injury that does not involve broken skin. Reapply frequently. 
        Helichrysum can be applied topically for arthritis, joint and back pain, sprains, bruising, cuts, scrapes, minor burns, insect bites, and skin conditions. It can be used neat (undiluted) or with a quality carrier oil. The carrier oil is recommended especially for sensitive skin. Blend equal parts of Helichrysum and Eucalyptus for an effective direct application or light massage blend for arthritis. Apply with a carrier like coconut oil for rosacea, scars or sagging skin. Apply directly with light massage to areas of thrombosis irritation.


        Best in soothe inflammation, irritated skin, bruises and even burns.  It can stop bleeding and helps in open wound.



        The most "universal" oil. (When in doubt, use lavender.) It's antiseptic, analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory.
        Burns & Sunburns - Apply lavender oil to a burn and experience almost immediate relief.  You can add a spray top for this application and not need to touch the burned area.

        Allergy relief – mix 1 drop lavender, 1 drop lemon and 1 drop peppermint in the palm of your hands then cup over your nose and mouth and inhale to relieve stuffieness.
        Other uses for lavender: to calm and relax, insomnia (just inhale), headaches, PMS, poison ivy and poison oak. 
        For headaches, put a drop of neat Lavender on the temples and the nape of the neck.

        Mosquito bites - neat or diluted (in a carrier oil) Lavender, or blend Lavender with a bit of well diluted Peppermint essential oil to ease scratching.

        Sore, over-used muscles - Lavender essential oil in your favorite carrier oil helps soothe the ache of abused muscles. Again, 5 drops to 5 ml (one teaspoon) of carrier. You might consider adding some of the diluted Roman Chamomile contained in your First Aid Kit to the above blend.

        Stress, tension, too many visitors, too much to do - A few drops of Lavender in a bath eases tension. Consider blending with some Roman Chamomile.
        Insomnia: A drop of neat Lavender on your pillow, or a Lavender bath before retiring will help relax you (or your excited children) into a natural relaxing sleep.


        Has antiseptic qualities, Mood uplifting - Lemon is beneficial for anxiety and promotes a sense of well being.
        Sore Throat - Mix 1 drop lemon in half glass of warm water. Mix well then gargle.


        Cuts and scrapes - After washing a scrape, apply  a bit of diluted meleleuca essential oil to help keep the abrasion germ free.
        Puncture wounds should never be treated with Lavender, since it can cause the surface to heal, rather than letting the wound heal from the inside to the surface. In this case, meleleuca essential oil, diluted, is the perfect blend to apply.

        Skin irritation that shows signs of perhaps becoming infected, whether they are mosquito bites, cuts or scrapes will benefit from meleleuca’s anti-microbial properties.



        Pain Relief - If you bump or bruise yourself, use peppermint to relieve the pain. Put a drop on the area.

        Temporary Fatigue or Lack of Energy - Peppermint is very stimulating. Inhale it & put a drop or 2 on your big toes. Put a couple drops of peppermint in water and drink it.

        Heat Fatigue - Peppermint, rubbed on base of skull, inhaled, and added to drinking water.

        For Indigestion and Heartburn - Put a few drops in your mouth and chase with water – if this is too strong for you, you can put it in an empty capsule and take internally after a heavy meal. (Be sure you are using CPTG essential oils for this.) Rub 4-6 drops in the palm and rub over stomach and around the navel to relieve indigestion, flatulence and diarrhea.

        Nausea or Motion Sickness - Put a drop of peppermint on your tongue, then on your hand and inhale it. Another way is to rub several drops of peppermint on the abdomen.

        Headache - Put a couple of drops on the back of the neck and on the temples, then in your hands & inhale. Be careful not to get it too close to your eyes.

        Injuries: Apply peppermint oil immediately to bumps and bruises to relieve pain.

        Poison Ivy or Poison Oak: Apply Peppermint oil on location neat or dilute with fractionated coconut oil.
        Itching: Apply a drop of peppermint oil topically on unbroken skin to stop itching.

        Fatigue/Exhaustion -Peppermint is a stimulant and can aid with both physical and mental exhaustion. It is a great oil to carry in the car, both to keep the driver awake and aware and to ease any carsickness that might occur.

        Relaxation - blend with Lavender for the most relaxing bath around.

        Sore Muscles - alone, or with Lavender added.,  Roman Chamomile is wonderful for tired, achy muscles.

        Antispasmodic - useful for intestinal cramps (massage clockwise onto abdomen).

        Muscle spasms -apply to painful area, a touch of Lavender may help here as well.

        Anti-inflammatory - useful for skin abrasions, scrapes, rug burns, etc.

        Deep Blue/Deep Blue Rub
        Sore muscles, aches, sprain and pains – Apply Deep Blue directly to sore area, rub in.  Can cover with a warm compress for additional relief.

        Past Tense
        Headache - Rub Past Tense on the back of the neck, on temples or forehead, inhale. Create a soothing compress, cover with a warm cloth. Leave for 30 minutes.

        Purify the air -   It neutralizes mildew, cigarette smoke, poison from insect bites such as spiders, bees, hornets, wasps, and noxious odors found in homes, offices and other confined areas. Diffuse, apply topically to disinfect, put on cotton balls to place in air vents of home, car, hotel room, office, etc. It has been said to repel bugs, insects and mice.

        Insect Bites, Cuts & Scrapes - Apply to the skin to cleanse the area. Purification may help neutralize poison from spiders, bees, hornets & wasps. Insect Repellant - Mix with carrier oil and rub on skin or mix with water in a spray bottle. Shake well before using. Spray on skin before going outside.

        Insect Repellant – put a spray top on the bottle and apply directly to exposed skin.

        Fractionated Coconut Oil
        Carrier oil – to be used with other oils when you want to dilute them.

        Other Items you will need for your First Aid Kit
        ·        sterile gauze pads of different sizes
        ·        adhesive tape
        ·        adhesive bandages in several sizes
        ·        elastic bandage
        ·        a splint
        ·        soap
        ·        tweezers
        ·        sharp scissors
        ·        safety pins
        ·        disposable instant cold packs
        ·        thermometer
        ·        plastic non-latex gloves (at least 2 pairs)
        ·        flashlight and extra batteries
        ·        a blanket
        ·        mouthpiece for administering CPR (can be obtained from your local Red Cross)
        ·        your list of emergency phone numbers 
        .    blanket (stored nearby)

        doTERRA Essential Oils for Cancer and Tumors

        The following information began with Nicole Stevens, MS. The original research was her dissertation on therapeutic-grade essential oils and their response in the body to cancer. 

        We know that chemotherapy is highly toxic to the cells, and kills the healthy with the sick. According to the research, in a cell count of 100, anything under a healthy cell death rate of 25 is phenomenal. Nicole tested repeatedly and has not yet found a toxicity level, even at extremely high concentrations. Dr. Jaime Matta (Ponce School of Medicine, Ponce, Puerto Rico) found Frankincense to be very effective against even chemotherapy-resistant strains of breast cancer. The National Institute of Health research shows effectiveness against bladder cancer. 

        Watch for the publication of this research—we received a sneak peak. There are also other oils which are found to be anti-tumoral; some of them also encourage the re-growth of healthy cells. Among them are Sandalwood, Thyme, Lavender, and Clove. Understanding the costliness of pure Frankincense and Sandalwood oils (both require so much time and care to distill and retain their therapeutic action that they are commonly extracted using solvents or not distilled for the full amount of time), it is exciting to learn that other, less expensive oils may be combined with it and actually increase the effectiveness of a cancer treatment. Combined with dōTERRA’s Lifelong Wellness Trio, this is a powerful tool for healing!

        This protocol is beginning to be used on a larger scale, by doctors in private practice and in US hospitals at this time. I was taught to combine it with the Raindrop Technique, daily if possible, and lots of good water to drink.

        One 00 capsule Frankincense, One 00 capsule Sandalwood, One 00 capsule Lavender morning and evening for 3 days. Frankincense, Sandalwood and Lavender topically morning and evening for those same 3 days.
        One 00 capsule Frankincense, One 00 capsule Sandalwood, One 00 capsule Wild Orange morning and evening for 3 days. Frankincense, Sandalwood and Wild Orange topically morning and evening for those same 3 days.
        One 00 capsule Frankincense, One 00 capsule Sandalwood, One 00 capsule Lemon… (Repeat process)
        One 00 capsule Frankincense, One 00 capsule Sandalwood, One 00 capsule Thyme… (Repeat process)
        One 00 capsule Frankincense, One 00 capsule Sandalwood, One 00 capsule Clove… (Repeat process)

        The oils may be rotated as often as necessary. 

        Raindrop: Balance, Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Cypress, Wintergreen, Peppermint.

        Pain Formulas
        White Fir and Frankincense applied topically. 

        In a capsule for internal consumption:
        12 drops Wintergreen
        8 drops Vetiver
        8 drops Helichrysum

        For nerve-type pain, 1/3 00 capsule Vetiver, 1/3 Peppermint, 1/3 Deep Blue topically and internally.

        Some may work better for you than others. The trick with any treatment is finding what works best for your biochemically unique system.
        “You will not find concentrations like those in dōTERRA oils anywhere else.” ---Nicole Stevens

        These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are for educational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

        dōTERRA Essential oils does not prevent, treat or cure disease. Your lifestyle choices can help prevent disease. Your doctor treats symptoms and fixes broken parts. Your body cure disease!

        dōTERRA Essential Oil Treatment for CANCER

        Cancer is the general name for a group of more than 100 diseases in which cells in a part of the body begin to grow out of control.  Cancer can develop in almost any organ or tissue, such as the lung, colon, breast, skin, bones, or nerve tissue. Although there are many kinds of cancer, they all start in the same way, with abnormal cell growth which becomes uncontrolled. Cancerous cells are also called malignant cells.  Untreated cancers can cause serious illness and even death.

        Cancer grows out of normal cells in the body. Normal cells multiply when the body needs them, and die when the body doesn't need them. Cancer appears to occur when the growth of cells in the body is out of control and cells divide too quickly. It can also occur when cells forget how to die.

        Cancer cells often travel to other parts of the body, where they begin to grow and form new tumors that replace normal tissue.  This process is called metastasis.  It happens when the cancer cells get into the bloodstream or lymph vessels of our body.

        A cancer diagnosis is difficult to cope with but there are many successful treatments, cures and support groups to help.  The essential oil treatment for cancer is a natural treatment with no side effects.  This option has been shown to be effective in inhibiting cancer cell growth, as well as helping with the symptoms.  We do not suggest that you forgo any current medical plan this is working in your or a loved one’s cancer treatment.  However, adding the essential oils to the treatment can help to yield quick and powerful results.

        General Treatment – for all cancers:

        Put 4-5 drops of each in a capsule:  Frankincense, Sandalwood, and Rosemary – take 1-2 times daily
        Rub Balance oil blend on the bottoms of the feet, nightly

        Bone Cancer:
        In addition to the General Treatment -- Add 2-3 drops of White Fir to your capsule
        Drink 2-3 drops of Lemon in 8 oz of water, 2-3 times daily

        Brain Cancer:
        In addition to the General Treatment – Add 2-3 drops each of Clove and Thyme to your capsules
        Rub Myrrh on bottoms of feet and back of neck/base of skull area, 2 times daily

        Breast Cancer:
        In addition to the General Treatment – Add 2-3 drops each of Marjoram and Oregano to you capsules
        Rub Lemongrass on bottoms of feet and topically over cancerous area
        Drink 2-3 drops of Lemon in 8 oz of water, 2-3 times daily

        Cervical Cancer:
        In addition to the General Treatment – Add 2-3 drops each of Thyme and Vetiver to your capsules
        Rub White Fir on bottoms of feet and across lower abdomen area

        Colon Cancer:
        In addition to the General Treatment – Add 2-3 drops each of Clove and Ginger to you capsules
        Rub Geranium on bottoms of feet and across lower abdomen area
        Drink 2-3 drops of Lemon in 8 oz of water, 2-3 times daily

        In addition to the General Treatment – Add 2-3 drops each of Clary Sage and Lemongrass to your capsules
        Rub Cypress and Lemongrass on bottoms of feet

        Liver Cancer:
        In addition to the General Treatment – Add 2-3 drops each of Cassia and Zendocrine Oil Blend to your capsules
        Rub Geranium on bottoms of feet and over liver area
        Drink 2-3 drops of Lemongrass in 8 oz of water, 2-3 times daily

        Lung Cancer:
        In addition to the General Treatment – Add 2-3 drops each of Peppermint to you capsules
        Rub Breathe Oil Blend on bottoms of feet and across chest area, 2 times a day
        Drink 2-3 drops of Lemon in 8 oz of water, 1-2 times daily

        Prostate Cancer:
        In addition to the General Treatment – Add 2-3 drops each of OreganoCassia and Cinnamon to your capsules
        Drink 2-3 drops of Lemongrass in 8 oz of water, 2-3 times daily

        Skin Cancer:
        In addition to the General Treatment – Add 2-3 drops each of Oregano and Melissa to your capsules
        Rub Geranium on bottoms of feet and over concerned skin area

        Throat Cancer:
        In addition to the General Treatment – Add 2-3 drops each of Cinnamon and Thyme to your capsules
        Drink 2-3 drops of Lemongrass in 8 oz of water, 3-4 times daily
        Rub Myrrh on throat area, daily

        Uterine Cancer:
        In addition to the General Treatment – Add 2-3 drops each of Clary Sage and Geranium to you capsules
        Rub On Guard Oil Blend on bottoms of feet and Lower abdomen, 2 times a day

        Take Life Long Vitality Supplements daily

        Have the following “Spine Therapy” done once a week:
        First apply fractionated coconut oil along the length of the spine.  Then drop any one or all of the following dōTERRA essential oils down the spine:
        ·       Oregano
        ·      Thyme
        ·       Basil
        ·       Clove
        ·       Frankincense
        ·       Rosemary
        ·       Marjoram
        ·       Aroma touch
        ·       Peppermint (always end with Peppermint)
        Massage in.
        Apply a hot compress for 15 min.

        Check out more on: DDR Prime

        dōTERRA Essential oils does not prevent, treat or cure disease. Your lifestyle choices can help prevent disease. Your doctor treats symptoms and fixes broken parts. Your body cure disease!