Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Cardamom 5ml

A close relative to Ginger, Cardamom is known as being the most expensive cooking spice and for being beneficial to the digestive system in a variety of ways. 

Cardamom is commonly used to help reduce indigestion and nausea, and to soothe stomach discomfort and promote digestion. Its distinct scent can lessen motion sickness while promoting a positive mood. 

Cardamom has profound effects on the respiratory system due to its high 1,8-cineole content, which promotes clear breathing and respiratory health. Native to Southeast Asia, Cardamom is added to traditional Indian sweets and teas for its cool, yet minty aroma and flavor. 

dōTERRA Cardamom essential oil is extracted from Cardamom seeds grown in Guatemala, using our strict CPTG® testing standards. Through a collaborative and responsible sourcing arrangement, we are able to have a significant impact on the lives of local partners, ensuring that these farming communities enjoy improved livelihoods. 
It has been scientifically proven to have the following benefits –
Respiratory Benefits:
  • Infections
  • Asthma
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Calming and soothing
Digestive Benefits:
  • Colic
  • Muscle tonic
  • Gastric ulcers
  • Generalized discomfort
  • Spasm reduction
  • Calming and soothing
  • Constipation
  • Very mild
How to use:
  • Soothing and calming to mind
  • Uplifting to the mood
  • Promotes clear breathing
  • Alleviate nausea and morning sickness
  • Apply over the chest to alleviate respiratory congestion
  • Apply over the abdomen to reduce spasm and digestive upset
  • Muscle spasm
  • Use in a capsule to stimulate digestion before meals
  • Alleviation of gas, bloating and spastic irritation

To purchase, click HERE

Arborvitae 5ml

Known as the “tree of life,” Arborvitae is majestic in size and abundant in therapeutic benefits. 

Arborvitae essential oil has a high content of tropolones, a group of chemical compounds that protect against environmental and seasonal threats, have powerful purifying properties, and promote healthy cell function. 

Hinokitiol, one of the tropolones in Arborvitae, protects the body from harmful elements while supporting normal cell activity. This compound also contributes to Arborvitae’s natural insect repellent properties. 

Thujic acid, another tropolone found in Arborvitae, has been studied for its ability to protect against common threats in the environment. Native to Canada, all parts of the Arborvitae tree were used extensively by Native Americans for health benefits and for building vessels, totem poles, baskets, and clothing. Because of its natural preserving properties, Arborvitae prevents wood from rotting, which makes it popular in woodcraft and for preserving natural wood surfaces. 

Primary benefits:
- Protects against environmental and seasonal threats
- Promotes healthy cell function
- Powerful cleansing and purifying agent
- Natural insect repellent and wood preservative

- Improve eczema/skin allergy problem

*Apply 1–2 drops to areas of concern on the skin.
*Add a few drops to a spray bottle with water and spray on surfaces or hands to protect against environmental threats.
*Apply to pulse points to promote healthy cell function.
*Diffuse to purify the air and to repel insects inside the home.
*Mix 4 drops of Arborvitae essential oil and 2 drops of Lemon essential oil for a natural wood preservative and polish.
*Arborvitae EO is shown to assist in fighting the common cold.

Monday, 3 November 2014

认识精油: 胡荽Coriander


• 促进消化,减轻胃部不适症状。
• 帮助身体产生健康胰岛素反应。
• 舒缓关节及肌肉疼痛。
• 调理并肌肤恢复年轻。

• 吃完大餐后,内服几滴和擦在胃部可帮助消化。
• 适用于油性肌肤区域并能减少粉刺产生。
• 与轻盈复方搭配使用,帮助身体维持健康胰岛素反应。
• 适用于肌肉酸痛与关节疼痛,可搭配分馏椰子油按摩。


“我喜欢于大餐或暴饮暴食后将胡荽涂在肚子上, 对于假日的聚餐太有帮助了!” -Mindy Hoggan

“我用于鼻子和脸颊的黑头粉刺.” -Dawn Burash Higley

“我把胡荽当成我的​​​​室内防臭剂.” -Dawn Burash Higley

“为了改善皮肤我将胡荽用来内服! 非常有效!! 我放在生蜂蜜中作为去斑的疗程!” -Janae Jesse

“胡荽是我最爱的精油. 我在睡前不用薰衣草而改用胡荽. 我喜爱它厚重的气味.” -Holly Yaryan Hall

“我每天将它与轻盈复方跟牛至一起用, 来平衡我的血糖.” -Charlotte Beard Vincent
