Thursday, 12 February 2015

Rosemary can make you smarter!

Can certain essential oils make you smarter?

Mark Moss and Lorraine Oliver from Northumbria University had the same question. They then devised an experiment that would test if the aroma of 1,8-cineole (one of the main chemical components of rosemary) would improve brain performance and mood.
For their experiment they had 20 volunteers perform math and visual tests. Some were exposed to the rosemary aroma for 4, 6, 8, or 10 minutes while some were not exposed at all. After testing and analyzing results, they found that those in the rosemary-aroma room scored better on the test and were in a better mood than those who weren’t. They also found that participants with the higher blood levels on 1,8-cineole (those who smelt longer) had greater speed and accuracy on their test.
So, yes, just smelling rosemary essential oil could make you smarter. Now go diffuse!
Read more about the study here.
Other uses for rosemary essential oils:*
  • - Diffuse while working or doing homework as it can stimulate memory and open the conscious mind.
  • - Use topically for muscle aches and tension.
  • - Dilute with fractionated coconut oil and use on face for extremely dry skin.
  • - Rub on problem areas to help treat cellulite.
  • - Put a couple drops in shampoo to help with dandruff, thinning hair, and to help promote hair growth.
  • - When using internally, dilute 1 drop rosemary essential oil in 1 tsp. honey or 4 oz. of beverage.
  • - Blends well with basil, frankincense, lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, and marjoram.

To purchase, CLICK HERE

Sunday, 8 February 2015




① 乳香每天早晚舌下1滴;(Frankincense)

② 选择以下任何一组精油,各3滴,搭配椰子油 (Fractionated coconut oil),涂抹腋下和乳房部位,早晚各一次;
    a. 乳香,丝柏 (Frankincense, Cypress)
    b. 乳香,野橘 (Frankincense, Wild Orange)
    c. 乳香,罗勒(和牛至交替,必须稀释)(Frankincense, Basil/Oregano)
    d. 完美修护复方,野橘 (Immortelle, Wild Orange)

③ 选择以下任何一种精油(可交替),3滴搭配椰子油或无香乳霜涂抹小腹和脚踝,早晚各一次;
    a. 温柔呵护复方(Clarycalm)
    b. 仕女复方 (Whisper)
    c. 快乐鼠尾草 (Clarysage)
    d. 乳香 (Frankincense)

④ 整体调理,加强免疫,服用:
    a. 妇女植物雌激素(美国有,台湾目前尚未提供)(Women's Health Kit)
    b. 完美修护精油胶囊(台湾需自行滴入胶囊)(Veggie Cap)
    c. 终生活力保健套装LLV
    d. 轻畅酵素 (TerraZyme)

⑤ 每天多次饮用柠檬、野橘、葡萄柚(柑橘类精油),1杯水1-2滴(可交替饮用);(Lemon, Wild Orange, Grapefruit)

⑥ 选择自己喜爱的精油做好情绪管理,熏香或涂抹吸闻。
    a. 佛手柑 (Bergamot)
    b. 柑橘清新复方 (Citrus Bliss)
    c. 仕女复方 (Whisper)
    d. 安定情绪复方 (Balance)
    e. 神气复方 (Serenity)


1. 按时作息,注意休息,保持心情舒畅,合理安排生活,避免过度疲劳;

2. 保持乳房清洁,经常用温水清洗,注意乳房肿块的变化,学会自己在家手检,同时每年定期做好体检;

3. 患者宜常吃海带,有消除疼痛、缩小肿块的作用,多吃橘子,牡蛎等行气散结之品,忌食生冷和辛辣刺激性的食物。

欲购买/To Purchase

Friday, 6 February 2015

dōTERRA’s Root to Tip Serum

The world can be tough on your hair! Sun, pollution, and other environmental factors can leave your locks looking somewhat less than glamorous. The key to a good hair day is to provide your hair with root-to-tip protection from environmental assaults.

dōTERRA’s Root to Tip Serum (part of the Salon Essentials Hair Care line) is a powerful, lightweight serum that provides extended protection and moisture without weighing hair down or leaving an oily residue. Root to Tip Serum is infused with a propriatary blend of CPTG essential oils (Lavender, Peppermint, Marjoram, Cedar Atlas, Lavandin, Rosemary, Niaouli,  and Eucalyptus) and protective lipids such as argan oil. Root to Tip provides a healthy environment for your scalp by distributing nutrients to each hair follicle and strand that nourish and protect your hair from everyday damage.
Benefit Breakdown: Which essential oils are in the blend, and why?
  • Cedar Atlas: Used to assist in improving scalp conditions, such as an itchy, flaky, or scaly scalp.
  • Eucalyptus: Helps improve luster and elasticity.
  • Lavandin: Supports healthy skin.
  • Lavender: Supports healthy hair follicles.
  • Marjoram, Peppermint, and Rosemary: Help increase circulation by stimulating blood flow to the scalp.
  • Niaouli (from the Melaleuca family): Helps support absorption of essential oils to promote a healthy scalp.

What did a professional hairstylist have to say about Root to Tip Serum?
“The Root to Tip Serum is a very multifunctional product. I love to use this product before and after blow drying, as a scalp treatment, or as a wash and air dry product. 
The product, when used in the right amount, absorbs so amazingly well into the hair you truly have to use it to believe it. The smell of the product is intense and can awaken any drowsy mind. 
When using as a scalp treatment, I recommend brushing the scalp first with a boar bristle brush using medium pressure; the point is to exfoliate the scalp. When finished, either drop the serum directly onto the scalp scattering drops throughout, or apply to the hands and begin working it into the scalp with the fingertips. 
Once the product is worked throughout, massage in circular movements. I usually spend 20 minutes on the scalp massage. 
Follow with shampoo and conditioner, or brush through to the ends of the hair and leave in for the day for an extra conditioning effect. When using this as a styling aid, I work a couple of drops of the product in my hands and apply from the ends of my hair to the mid shaft of the hair, staying away from the roots. 
If I curl the hair, I will take a drop or two rub it in my hands and lightly run my fingers through the curls from mid shaft to ends to give a piecy soft look to the curl.” -Jovani VanOrden
Hair Styling Tips using dōTERRA’s Root to Tip Serum:
  • - Root to Tip Serum can be used on all parts of the hair when styling, including the scalp. The product absorbs into the scalp and roots without leaving an oily residue.
  • - Rub the Root to Tip Serum in your hands and then run through hair. This will make the serum go into your hair more smoothly and eliminate any large oil spots in your hair.
  • - For extra shine and fly away control, put some Root to Tip Serum in your hair after you finish styling.
  • - Have a dry, itchy scalp? Rub Root to Tip Serum on scalp to relieve the itch.
  • - Leave Root to Tip Serum on the scalp and hair for an extended amount of time with a shower cap on for a great scalp and hair treatment.