Monday, 23 March 2015

52 uses of OnGuard Essential Oil

1. At the on-set of a sore throat mix with a tbsp of water, gargle for 1 minute then swallow.
2. At the on-set of cold or flu symptoms, put 5 drops oregano and 5 drops on guard in a gel capsule and take 3/day.
3. To support immune system rub on the soles children’s feet at night, especially during cold & flu season.

4. For lung congestion, put several drops in a bowl of hot water as it begins to volatilize breathe in the vapors.
5. Use to sanitize kitchen and bathroom surfaces by putting 50 drops in a spray bottle with 30 oz of distilled water.
6. Add to your dishwasher for micro clean dishes.
7. Add to your laundry cycle for micro clean clothes.
8. Add to your mop water for cleaner floors.
9. Apply to bee and insect stings to neutralize the toxin and relieve the pain.
10. Gargle and brush daily for healthy teeth and gums and to prevent and treat gum disease.
11. For toothaches & post dental work apply to gums and teeth, or swish with 5 drops of on guard & 1 tbsp of water.
12. Diffuse in homes or business to kill air borne pathogens, inhibit mold and build immune systems.
13. Put a few drops on air filters when changing them to kill pathogens in the duct work.
14. Add to Emergen-C or orange juice to help congestion and fight flu and cold.
15. Put a drop in your mouth and swish it around to relive smoking urges (enhance with a drop or two of clove).
16. For warts, apply topically, rotating between oregano & frankincense.
17. Apply a drop on a pet’s sore or wound to enhance healing.
18. Have the diffuser going in your home when the kids come home to ward off germs.
19. Make an antibiotic blend using On Guard (12 drops) Oregano (6 drops)Frankincense (2 drops) in a gel cap.
20. Add 15 drops to every cup of corn starch, mix, sprinkle on carpet, rake.  Leave for 1 hour, then Vacuum for micro clean carpet.
21. Mix 2-3 drops of on guard and 2 drops of lemon with honey on a teaspoon for cold or cough relief medicine.
22. Gargle with 1 tbsp of water and 1 drop each of lemon and on guard hourly for laryngitis.
23. Put several drops on the HVAC vents of a hotel room or office to kill airborne pathogens and germs.
24. Mix with baking soda to clean bathtubs.
25. Apply neat to the toes and nails to combat fungus.
26. Combine 2 Tbsp. of water with 5 drops of on guard in a small glass and store your toothbrush overnight to sanitize.
27. Use a 50/50 mix of on guard and purified water, spray oven interior. Leave for 15 minutes, wipe away greasy spots.
28. Apply to hands to remove stubborn, sticky substances like tree sap.
29. Add to the water in your vacuum cleaner/steamer to disinfect the carpet.
30. Put a few drops in your vacuum bag to kill pathogens.
31. Put 15 drops in a 6oz spray bottle, shake and spray rooms, desks, or bed sheets to protect against pathogens.
32. Clean the upholstery and dashboard of your car.
33. Gargle with on guard and 1 tbsp of water prior to speaking engagements or singing performances.
34. Rub on stains as a pre-wash stain remover.
35. Add 3 drops to your tooth brush every day for a healthy mouth and to prevent cavities & gum disease.
36. Apply to teeth that have been damaged or broken to help them heal.
Make an on guard spray with 15 drops for every 6 oz of water: use the spray…
37. To wipe doorknobs and other things touched by the public.
38. To wipe dirty piano keys to clean and disinfect.
39. To clean children’s hands when traveling (use to wet their hair down, wash hands and face before school).
40. On the steering wheel and gearshift of your vehicle.
41. On public telephones to remove germs.
42. On public computer keyboards and mouse.
43. As an underarm deodorant.
44. Before and after shaking hands with a lot of people.
45. In public restrooms on airplanes to reduce airborne bacteria.
46. For protection in countries with choleramalaria or dysentery.
47. As an air freshener for cooking odors or other unwanted smells.
48. At the gym to spray all the equipment you use.
49. At the supermarket to disinfect shopping cart handles.
50. In the classroom for desks, tables and other items handled by children.
51. In your mouth and throat at first onset of cold or bronchitis.
52. On shower stalls and bathroom walls to disinfect and remove mold.

To purchase, CLICK HERE

Friday, 20 March 2015




1 常被保養品界使用,可促進細胞再生,治療癒合傷口,恢復皮膚彈性,消除疤痕,有益老化皮膚.

2 也可滋潤粗糙乾裂皮膚,鎮靜皮膚發紅發熱,治療輕微燙傷(可與薰衣草交替使用)

3 可改善香港腳,濕疹,細菌黴菌感染,疱疹,H1N1病毒,HIV愛滋病,呼吸感染,神經系統感染和流行性感冒.

4 在情緒上可舒緩緊張,壓力, 使人放鬆愉悅.

1 可擦在頭顱骨底部,用吸嗅或薰香.
2 也可擦在口腔頂端
3 可擦在腳底
(和乳香Frankincense,安定情緒複方Balance,岩蘭草 Vetiver)一起使用,特對巴金森氏症有幫助.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Family Physician Kit has NEW Packaging!

We are all very excited for the new packaging of Family Physician Kit. Hope you are as excited as we do!

Old Packaging

New Packaging

To purchase, kindly click HERE