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Suggested and Possible Uses of Cypress Oil
The following are potential uses found in or on Modern Essentials, Aromatic Science,, as well as through anecdotal experience and other resources. Use them to inspire your own ideas, experiment, and see what works for you.
Consider applying 1-2 drops of cypress oil over the forehead and back of the neck 1-2 times a day.
Massage 2-3 drops into the area of concern. Consider layering with White Fir and Frankincense.
Bacterial Infections
Massage 2-3 drops into the area of concern or into the reflex points of the feet.
Bone Spurs
Massage 2-3 drops into the area of concern twice a day.
Massage several drops of cypress oil into the feet at least once daily.
Massage several drops into the area of concern 1-2 times a day or as needed.
Capillary Wall Strength
Add cypress oil to a massage or massage into the areas of concern and over the reflex point of the feet.
Carpal Tunnel
Massage several drops into the hands, wrists, and forearms, moving toward the heart. Try this daily.
Apply 1 drop over the nose and sinuses, avoiding the eyes or mucus membranes.
Massage into the arms and legs, moving toward the heart. Massage 1-2 drops over the heart.
Apply 1-2 drops over the back of the neck and into the reflex points of the feet.
Connective Tissues
Massage several drops into the areas of concern.
Control Issues (you know who you are!)
Diffuse aromatically or inhale directly from the bottle. Use when processing through issues around trust and fear.
Massage 2-3 drops into the abdomen in a counterclockwise direction.
Apply 2 diluted drops to the lower abdomen with a heating pad or hot compress.
Gently massage into the area of concern in upward strokes toward the heart.
Emotional Purging
Apply 1-2 drops on the big toe or arches of the feet daily. Use with meditation, journaling, or counseling.
Massage over the lower abdomen and apply a hot compress or heating pad for pain.
Place 1-2 drops in the palms of your hands, rub together, and cup over the nose and mouth for up to 30 seconds or more as desired.
Flexibility (Physical or Nonphysical)
Apply several drops to the physical areas of concern. Even for nonphysical flexibility, the body will often manifest the same inner rigidness in specific physical areas.
Massage 2-3 drops into the reflex points of the feet twice a day.
Greasy/Oily Hair
Add 1 drop of cypress oil to your shampoo each time you wash.
Use aromatically by diffusing in the room or inhaling directly from the palms of your hands.
Apply to the soles of your feet or diffuse throughout the room.
Apply 1-2 drops to the area of concern (I'd definitely dilute first for this one).
Hiatal Hernia
Gently massage several drops of cypress oil over the area each day.
Massage 2-3 drops over the entire abdomen daily.
Lou Gehrig's
Massage several drops over the back of the neck and the spine several times a week, as well as other areas of concern or the reflex points of the feet. Also consider a blend for regular massage.
Lymphatic Decongestant
Massage 1-2 drops over each arm, moving upward toward the heart. Repeat with the legs. Drink plenty of fluids afterward.
Apply several drops of cypress oil to the reflex points of the feet daily.
Massage 1-2 drops over the lower abdomen during your cycle. Experiment with using it daily between cycles as well.
Muscle Fatigue
Massage 2-3 drops into the area of concern as needed. Use during a massage or hot bath.
Muscle Tone
Follow the same ideas for Muscle Fatigue, above.
Nose Bleeds
Apply one drop over the nose and sinuses, and consider diffusing daily for chronic nose bleeds.
Pain (Chronic)
Massage 2 drops into the area of concern 1-2 times a day. Also consider pain-relieving blends, massage blends, or Frankincense.
Inhale directly from cupped hands, or use 1 drop daily over the heart or solar plexus.
Massage 2-3 drops over the chest daily.
Apply 1-2 drops on the soles of the feet. Use with caution and close prenatal care.
Apply 1-3 drops over the area of concern each day.
Raynaud's Disease
Massage several drops over the areas of concern or the reflex points of the feet daily or as needed.
Retina Strengthening
Rub 1 drop of cypress oil into the temples and under the eyes, careful to avoid direct contact with the eye. Or consider the reflex points of the feet (described in the Application Guide linked above).
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Massage several drops into the area of concern 1-2 times a day. Consider layering with Frankincense or White Fir.
Skin Revitalization
Add a drop to your cleansing routine 1-2 times a week.
Massage several drops of cypress oil into the area of concern if possible, or over the reflex points of the feet regularly.
Massage several drops of cypress oil into the feet each morning, inhale from cupped hands, or diffuse throughout the room daily.
Apply 1 drop to the temples, 1 drop to the back of the neck, and massage into the reflex points of the feet. (Obviously, WITH medical care.)
Swollen Eyes
Rub 1 drop of cypress oil into the temples and under the eyes, careful to avoid direct contact with the eye.
Massage 2-3 drops into the feet daily. Also consider adding it to a full body massage once a week.
Massage 1 drop over the heart center. If you're using this daily, get your tissues, journal, and possibly a counselor ready.
Massage 2-3 drops over the chest daily, and/or into the reflex points of the feet.
Urinary Issues (infection, function, etc)
Apply several drops to the feet, or directly over the kidneys and bladder. Drink plenty of fluids when using for urinary health. Check out Juniper Berry, too.
Varicose Veins
Gently apply 1 drop into the area of concern. Consider adding Lemongrass or Peppermint as well.
Water Retention
Massage 1-3 drops of cypress oil into the areas of concern, always moving toward the heart.