Pregnancy is a wonderful period in life where a great deal of personal
time and energy is given to the miracle of life and another one of
God's creations.
A period where, during times of relaxation, one can
communicate positive affirmations to the yet-to-be-born child. But!!!
It is not as simple as that may sound, it is also a time where
tremendous changes are going on in the body. Hormonal, circulatory,
structural, and emotional changes all present a variety of physical and
emotional challenges that need to be addressed while the one carrying
the child is usually trying to carry on a busy, “normal” life.
Essential oils, blends, supplements, and other products can help make
this whole period a lot easier. Read below and on the other tabs many
suggestions and experiences using essential oils and derivative
How To Use doTERRA Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Labor and Birth, Postpartum & for Baby:
*Swelling and water retention- Lemon: use a few drops in water
internally on a daily basis. “Liquid Sunshine”, super antioxidant and
anti-bacterial properties.
*Heartburn & morning sickness- DigestZen and/or Peppermint: a
drop under the tongue, rubbed on abdomen, a few drops in a capsule a
couple times a day, or rubbed on the bottoms of your feet.
*Restful Sleep- Serenity: especially nearing delivery
*Low Back & Leg Pain & Pressure- Deep Blue & AromaTouch: used during a nightly massage is wonderful!
*Pregnancy Edema- Grapefruit, Lemongrass, Cypress: put 2-3 drops
each in a roller bottle with fractionated coconut oil and roll on ankles
and feet a few times a day especially at the end of the day.
*To avoid stretch marks: A mixture of 2-3 drops of each
Helichrysum, Lavender, Frankincense, 1 cup Virgin Olive Oil, and liquid
from 6 capsules of Vitamin E and 4 capsules Vitamin A. Apply morning and
night after the first trimester.
*To induce or speed up labor- Clary Sage: it is a uterine tonic. Place a drop on ankle reflex points.
*To calm and focus Mom- Balance: diffuse or just open the bottle for smelling
*Energy during labor- Peppermint: topically, in water, or diffused
*Back Labor-Peppermint and/or Deep Blue: especially with a posterior baby
*To avoid or minimize tearing- Helichrysum: use for a couple weeks before birth as well and for perinea massage.
*After birth bleeding- Clary Sage, White Fir, Helichrysum, and Ylang Ylang: this tones things back up quickly. Place mix on ankle reflex points.
*Pain and inflammation- Lavender and Frankincense: on frozen feminine pads for soothing, healing, and inflammation for immediately after the birth
*Cramping & Abdominal Pain- Deep Blue: (along with acetaminophen and ibuprofen for the first 48 hours)rubbed directly on lower abdomen
*Hemorrhoids- Cypress, Geranium, Clary Sage, Helichrysum: 1-2
drops of each in a spray bottle base of Fractionated oil for
Hemorrhoids. Apply each time you use the restroom.
*Nipple Soreness- Helichrysum & Lavender: for breastfeeding
soreness (brings healing and elasticity- cut down soreness to 2 days vs.
10-14 days)
*Yeast infection (avoid and kill) Melaleuca: Mix with water and
apply with a squirt bottle after urinating. Mix with Fractionated
coconut oil for Diaper rash.
For Baby
*Umbilical Cord- Myrrh: serves as a liquid band-aid, (avoids infection &
cord fell off in 3 days vs. 7-9 days)
*Birth trauma relief- Balance: along the spine and bottoms of baby’s feet-“Chiropractor in a bottle”
*Calming- Frankincense: apply to pulse points and on bottom of feet
A special THANKS to Everything Essential for this informative
compilation of information regarding the uses of essential oils for the
childbearing years! By law, we are required to tell you that these
statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and are not intended to
treat, diagnose or cure any medical condition. As always, if you have a
serious medical condition, see your physician.
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