Infants should not ingest essential oils. Do not put essential oils on the infant’s hands, as they are sure to get into the mouth. Because infant skin is very sensitive, only the mildest of oils should be used.
Essential oils generally considered safe for infants include grapefruit, lavender, lemon, melaleuca, wild orange, and roman chamomile.
Essential Oil Application for Infant
Abdominal Pain: Roman Chamomile, Wild Orange, Citrus Bliss, or LavenderMix 1 drop essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil. Gently massage abdomen. If abdominal pain is severe, seek medical advice.
Colds: Melaleuca, lemon, or lavender
Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil. use a small amount to massage upper chest and back at each diaper change.
Colic: Citrus Bliss, Wild Orange, or Lavender
Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil. Apply a small amount to stomach and back. use a warm (not hot) water bottle to keep the baby’s abdomen warm. Burp the baby of gas pains seem to exist.
Congestion(sniffles): Lemon, Purify, On Guard, Lavender, Serenity or Melaleuca
Disperse 1 drop lemon oil and 1 drop Purify into the air at bedtime. For relief during daytime hours, diffuse 1 drop lavender or melaleuca oil. Mix 1 drop On Guard with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil, and apply 1-2 drops of mixture to bottoms of feet. Mix 1 drop Serenity with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil; gently massage chest.
Constipation: Wild Orange, Lemon, or Roman Chamomile
Mix 1-2 drops essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil. massage abdomen, lower back, and feet twice daily. If there is lower abdominal pain, seek medical advice.
Cough: Lemon and Purify
Disperse 1 drop lemon oil and 1 drop Purify into the air before nap time
Cradle Cap: Lemon, Melaleuca, and Orange
Mix 1 drop lemon oil, 1 drop melaleuca oil, and 1 drop orange oil with 2 Tablespoons Avocado oil. Very gently apply a small amount to the scalp, avoiding the fontanelle (soft spot). Leave in place for a few minutes; then wash hair with baby shampoo. Repeat daily for one week, then occasionally if cradle cap persists.
Crying: Serenity, Lavender, or Roman Chamomile
Place a drop of essential oils on a tissue (or rub on parent’s hands), and let the infant smell the oil. Do not let the baby touch the oil.
Diffuse one drop of essential oil into the air
Diaper Rash: Lavender and Roman Chamomile
Mix 1 drop Roman chamomile oil with 2 Tablespoons fractionated coconut oil. If yeast infection is suspected, add 1 drop melaleuca oil. At each diaper change, very gently wash baby’s bottom and pat dry. Apply a small amount of mixture, avoiding the genitals and any cuts or cracks in the skin. Change diaper frequently, and leave it somewhat loose to provide some air circulation.
Diarrhea: Roman Chamomile, lavender, or melaleuca
Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil. Gently massage abdomen in a clockwise direction, following the digestive path. Give the infant plenty of fluids to drink. If diarrhea is severe or accompanied by abdominal pain, see medical advice.
Digestion (Sluggish): Lemon or Wild Orange
Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil. Apply a small amount to feet and stomach area.
Fever: Lavender or Onguard
Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil. Apply a small amount to the bottoms of the feet, the back of the neck, and behind the ears.
Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease: On Guard or Purify
Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil. Apply 2-3 drops to bottoms of feet and along the spine several times daily.
Heat Rash (Prickly Heat): Lavender and Roman Chamomile
Mix 1 drop lavender oil and 1 drop Roman chamomile with 2 Tablespoons fractionated coconut oil. Gently apply a small amount to the affected area. Stay well away from the eyes and genitals.
Hiccups: Wild Orange
Disperse 1 drop essential oil into the air with a diffuser
Indigestion: DigestZen
Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil. Use a small amount to massage stomach and feet
Earache: Melaleuca, Lavender, or Roman Chamomile
Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 drop fractionated coconut oil. Rub a small amount on back of ear, behind the ear, and on bottoms of feet. Put a drop on a cotton ball, and place the ball in the ear. Do not put essential oils into the ear canal. A warm (not hot) water bottle placed next to the ear may help.
Eczema: Lavender
Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 Tablespoon Avocado oil. Gently massage affected area as needed. If eczema persists, it may be due to an allergy.
Influenza (Flu): Lemon or melaleuca
Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil. Use a small amount to massage chest, abdomen, arms, legs, neck, and back. Avoid the face and genital area.
Insomnia (Sleeplessness): Roman Chamomile
Disperse 1 drop essential oil into the air with a diffuser on alternate nights.
Rash: Roman Chamomile
Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractional coconut oil. Gently smooth a small amount over affected area. Wipe off any excess with a soft cloth.
Teething: Roman Chamomile, Lavender
Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated oil. Use a small amount to gently massage the outside of the face along the jawline.
Thrush (in Diaper Area): Melaleuca
Mix 1 drop essential oil with 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil. Rub a small amount on location after each diaper change.
Thrush (in Mouth):Melaleuca and Lavender
Mix 1 drop melaleuca oil, 1 drop lavender oil, and 2 drops vitamin E oil with 1 teaspoon garlic oil. Apply 1 drop of this mixture to mother’s nippes just before nursing.
Yeast Infection (Candida): Melaleuca
Mix 1 drop melaleuca with 1 Tablespoon plain yogurt. Apply to anal area when changing diaper. Avoid the genital area.
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