Sunday, 21 April 2013

Applying Essential Oils - Ingestion (Internal Use)

Of those that write on oils use there is a wide variety of opinions about internal consumption.  Some recommend it often, others distance themselves from it.  Internal consumption of essential oils is best done with professional advice.  Listed here are some common techniques to consider:

·    Tea - A common methods for ingesting essential oils are to add 1 or 2 drops to a half cup of warm water and drink or sip as needed. (This is often used for an upset stomach with an oil like Peppermint or a blend such as DigestZen).  Use care not to have the water too warm as the oils will dissipate rapidly and you will lose the potency.

·    Water - Oils are often added to cold water and ingested.  This would include procedures such as citrus oils or blends for appetite suppression or using Lemon oil for its cleansing effect.

·    Capsules - Many add the oils in a capsule and taking orally as you would traditional medications.  Depending on the strength needed a carrier oil may be added to the capsule to "buffer" the essential oil.  Also many protocols have multiple oils added to the same capsule for a desired blend. Basic info on using capsules on this page.

·    Swishing- or allergies a method is suggested of adding 2 to 6 drops of oils (Peppermint, Lemon and/or Lavender) to a teaspoon of water and swishing in the mouth for a minute and swallowing. 

·    Pulling Oils - Not quite considered ingestion, but does involve oils in the mouth, is the method of ‘pulling oil.’  This is a therapy that is proven to improve the health of gums and teeth.  Others feel it has further detoxifying qualities.  Choose an appropriate carrier such as grapeseed, coconut, or olive oil.  Combine 2 drops of an essential oil such as Clove, Myrrh, or Peppermint.  Then without swallowing, swish and pull the oil mixture through the teeth and around the mouth for 5-10 minutes, then spit out the mixture without swallowing.  Then brush the teeth. 

·    Enema - Affectionately called the Butt Bomb.  Add the desired oils to a 00 capsule and fill the remainder with coconut oil and insert appropriately or add the oils and approximately 25 drops of carrier oil to the enema syringe and apply. (the reason for this uncomfortable protocol is that this is one of the more effective ways to get oils deep into the lungs)

Before taking an oil internally, check its references and determine that it is certified as GRAS (generally regarded as safe) by the FDA.  Most doTerra oils are GRAS.

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